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Constant Headache 5 months Charcoal Helps

Hi there,

I'm a 25-year-old female that lives at altitude. I am mildly overweight, have low end of normal blood pressure.  I exercise approximately 5 days a week and walk about 1.5-3 miles a day during work hours --otherwise I have a desk job. I eat primarily whole grains and foods, whole goats milk, and only drink 1-2 times a week and typically not heavily.

I've had a constant headache since September 20, 2015. It started in the middle of the night and increased in severity throughout that month. The pain is at the front of my head varies from a 2-9 typically getting worse throughout the day and into the evening.  Other symptoms include dizziness and nausea, lightheadedness-- sometimes extreme and debilitating.

After 1 month, I went to the doctor who had a MRI done, several blood tests, a nerve block, a hospital DHE treatment, every painkiller and triptan/migraine drug in the book. I went on a course of Phenergan and diclofenac, and also had IV antibiotic in the hospital. I started taking magnesium supplements. I assessed the stressful elements of my life (at home and at work), began meditating, and lowered my overall stress. I did yoga and stretched did neck exercises which both reduced some of the pain. Nothing helped, and they recommended Topamax, but as nothing made a dent before, I decided to question their diagnosis of intractable migraine. Since then, I had my Nexplanon implant removed (received it July 11th, 2015, removed it November 22, 2015). And started acupuncture. The acupuncture achieved some considerable relief, but after a month of treatment twice a week, I went on a business trip and took charcoal several times during the trip to help with a hangover (I don't drink much). During the end of the trip and the 5 days following it, I didn't have a headache. At the time, I concluded that the acupuncture had worked.

After the headache returned, I started to go through possibilities and took myself off of gluten. After a week, no change in headache. Then I started taking charcoal again after a eureka moment and then went 2 weeks without a headache. Yesterday I forgot to take my charcoal for 28 hours and my headache returned. I'm back on the stuff, and now feel like I'm narrowing in on finding the culprit!

I was hoping for medical advice on the appropriates steps to take to find out what is causing these, given that Charcoal seems to alleviate the symptoms. I'd like to be able to alter my lifestyle to improve the situation.

Thank you for your help.
1 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967

I am glad that the charcoal is helping. What it does is "absorb" toxins, etc from your system, so, it could be absorbing the toxins that are causing the headaches.

I would, however, highly suggest a visit to a chiropractor, they specialize in headaches, I am sure after a few treatments, along with your charcoal, you will start feeling like a new woman.
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