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Is Celiac possible if wheat allergy is negative?

A recent endoscopy showed possible signs of Celiac. I have to wait a month to meet with doctor to ge the results.  A month ago I had a lot of allergy testing done (the skin ***** type) and wheat came up negative and buckwheat showed a very slight sensitivity. I am assuming that I can't be positive for Celiac of I was negative for wheat allergy. Right?
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Allergy testing is not that accurate. Sorry you went thru it. If you have Celiac then you will be having pretty severe cramping and diarrhea within 45 minutes of having a high gluten meal. Test it yourself at home. This is a pretty sure fire indication. It is cruel to make you wait so long for results. I would call and bug the MD office for results, they usually get them mmore quickly than they tell you.
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Thanks for you input. I have never had an obvious reaction to gluten/ wheat. I am Italian and eat pasta all the time (my whole life), bake bread and many other gluten filled treats and have never felt stomach cramps after eating. The endoscopy notes said "suspicious of Celiac" so I kinda freaked out. I tried to go gluten free when my twin dughter had a wierd rash when they were infants and it was aweful! BTW- Gluten was not their problem. I don't feel like I really have the more common Celiac symptoms. I guess I call the Dr. and see if I can get any info out them. Thanks, I feel more at ease.
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Good news! Negative for Celiac!
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168348 tn?1379357075
So glad to hear your good news!  The wait must have been a very long time for you ... please stop by and help others .. we'd love to see you help as you can!

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681148 tn?1437661591
Yes.  You can be Celiac and test negative for wheat allergy.  These are two different things.

Here is the same video I've been talking about that is now on YouTube:


It is talking about some newer tests for Celiac.  

By the way, I test negative for both allergy and Celiac, according to the usual blood tests performed by the GI doctors and allergist.  However, I definitely cannot consume gluten, wheat in particular.  I've posted numerous times that I have Dyshidrotic eczema in my hands.  Eczema is an autoimmune issue of the skin.  It is lifelong.  I've had some sort of eczema my whole life, but it didn't give me this problem in my hands until later in life.  If I consume gluten, I will get a flare up of this type of eczema on my hands.  If I consume gluten, I will get cramps in my gut and worsening of the chronic IBS-C.  If I consume gluten, it will trigger a migraine.

Celiac isn't always easy to diagnose.  I may actually have an undiagnosed case.  Contrary to popular belief, Celiac isn't only about diarrhea.  If you watch that video, you will find that people with constipation issues who are overweight can also have Celiac.  What I need to do myself is the genetic testing talked about in the video.  Unfortunately, such tests are not covered by most peoples' medical insurance and have to be done independently out-of-pocket, which is practically impossible to do on a fixed income.  So, for now the best people like me can do is stay far away from gluten.  And, actually, the video is saying to stay away from all grain to be truly gluten free.  Rice is the safest of all grains, but it does still contain a small portion of the gluten specific to rice.  All grains have gluten.  The name of the gluten in wheat is gliadin, which of course is the main source of the problem for people, since wheat is so pervasive and in things you don't expect it to be.  What I call the big four are obviously the worst of all grains for the folks who need to be gluten free, but this newer information is saying to stay away from all grain.  Corn is actually every bit as bad as wheat.  It's also not very digestible for people with chronic issues to begin with.  So, this is likely the reason why.  It has its own type of gluten.  No, I don't remember the name of it.  It can't be found anywhere on the internet except for this video.  Everything else is going to tell you the same things that people have been saying concerning what is gluten free and what isn't.  Interestingly, I never did like the taste of corn.  

This video explains why someone with Celiac who is eating what is considered to be a compliant diet doesn't get better.  Anyone who says that a gluten free diet is dangerous is misinformed.  Anyone who says that you're crazy for going gluten free if you don't have a definite diagnosis of Celiac is also misinformed.

Because of the outward signs with me and the Dyshidrotic eczema and being fortunate to still have the same PCP that I've been seeing for years who has seen the flare ups, this general practitioner is not dismissive at all regarding the gluten issue with me.  She will acknowledge that at the very least I am gluten intolerant without having Celiac.  Other doctors I see do believe me, too, but not one GI doctor who I've seen and not the one ER doctor in the local hospital.  They only believe their inaccurate tests that they were taught are so "accurate".  As was brought out already by ChitChatNine, these tests are simply not all that accurate.

What allergy tests will show is if you could possibly have a life-threatening reaction to a certain allergen or break out in a rash.  They do not show if you have food sensitivities or food intolerances.  That has to be self-determined through a process of elimination.  Of course, if you tell your doctors that certain foods bother you but you test negative for the true allergies, they'll look at you like you're crazy--unless they've seen with their eyes what can happen to you, as was the case with me and my PCP.  Many will roll their eyes at you and dismiss you, as what has happened to me with the transient GI doctors and the one ER doctor.  Yeah, such considerate people--NOT!  According to the dismissive doctors, you're supposed to continue eating the foods that make you sick that you test negative for true allergy to just because they say so. Yeah, well, it's not their colon or other part of the body that is affected is it.

They wouldn't make such a big deal if you said you had a food sensitivity to any other food.  Not even if you told them that dairy bothered you.  Why there should be such a distinction made about gluten and treating people in limbo, such as myself, as if this is all heresy is beyond me.  If you tell them that you can't eat eggs because eggs give you gas, they won't act nearly as dismissively as they do if you tell them that you can't eat gluten because of (name symptoms here).  To say you can't eat gluten but you haven't had an official diagnosis of Celiac is treated like heresy or as if you're absolutely nuts.  

Great, for the dismissive doctors:  tell them to go eat all the foods that create problems for them that they don't have an official allergy or autoimmune illness that is flared up by said foods because someone else says they have to.  Tell them to go from doctor to doctor looking for answers to why they feel so lousy, because food has become an enemy only to be dismissed as a hypochondriac.  No one ever says the word itself these days, but that's what is going through the minds of dismissive doctors.

Well, according to this video:  You're not nuts if you are sure that gluten intolerance is the source of all your problems.  In fact, it is naming gluten intolerance as the main culprit in all sorts of autoimmune illnesses--not just Celiac.  It also defines the difference between Celiac, gluten sensitivity (in this case, allergy), and gluten intolerance.  It defines gluten intolerance as the culprit in all sorts of chronic ailments.

And, this makes sense.  The modern wheat grown today is vastly different from what our grandparents and great-grandparents knew when they were kids.  It is dwarfed in height and the amount of the gliadin gluten is actually much higher than the native wheat that our forefathers knew.  The native wheat should be at least twice as high as the dwarf that is grown today.  The native wheat species should be about the same height as what is considered the shortest average height person, not the dwarf height of just about two feet of the hybrid species grown commercially.  In other words, the native wheat species should be tall like what you think of with corn.

Also, most of this stuff is GMO crops.  Organic isn't going to help us out once we've become ill, but eating organic grain has the potential of preventing the illnesses that the GMO crops are already being blamed for.  Dr. Mercola explains in depth why GMO is bad.  It is responsible for destroying the balance of the gut flora that we have to work so hard at trying to restore.  So, it's a double whammy to anyone already dealing with chronic illnesses.

Sorry it's a long post, but a lot of this is relatively new information.  And, people need to see this video.
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I thought it was very informative!

Thank you
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