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Itchy head when I eat spicy food?

Why do I get itchy head when I eat spicy food and sometimes when I work out? It's almost an immediate reaction and it's really annoying! After about 10 seconds of eating it my head starts itching like crazy and it's becoming very embarrassing when it happens in public, as I shower every day.  I love eating indian food so you can see how this is bothering me haha.  I appreciate any help I can get! Thanks!
4 Responses
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It's nothing really.You see some spicy foods contain a special chemical that mixes with the blood very fast and
when it reaches the head it causes it to itch.Nothing' external,only the opposite.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh wow!  I bet you're right SassyLassie!

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363281 tn?1714899967
Hmmmm, you know, it sounds like maybe you are itching due to a rush of  blood circulation. What causes me to say this is because you said it happens after exercise as well. Spices and exercise both get the blood circulating, especially spices such as cayenne pepper, I tell you, it makes my eyes water, but, I feel better afterwards. LOL, my friends say they like when I eat it as it gets me in a better mood.
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168348 tn?1379357075

Haven't heard of the scalp being affected .. a few posts up one speaks of itchy palms.  Wonder if its related ?!

If anybody has an ideas, please help our member.

Perhaps paprika, or any of the other spices may be doing this to you ???

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