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LDA for food allergies

Has anyone tried LDA for food allergies? I'm desperate! I recently tested positive to over 20 foods! I'm starving and feel malnurished. This is ruining my life. I no longer can go out to eat, travel, or be a guest at anyone's house. Friends have stopped inviting me to do things. My family thinks I'm exaggerating my allergies but when I eat an offending food, my mouth goes numb, tongue feels funny and my asthma is triggered. That is a very scary feeling to me. I'm willing to travel any distance and pay the fee for the treatment if anyone knows anything about it.
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I'm sorry, what is LDA?  Are you having a histamine reaction to 20 foods, or is it an IgG antibody sensitivity reaction?  You may have a "leaky gut" problem. Do you have any digestive issues - abdominal discomfort, bloating, headaches.
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LDA is Low Dose Allergy treatment. It is a method of allergy desensitization using combinations of a variety of extremely low dose allergens. It's different than immunotherapy in that it is cell-mediated. Not many people have heard of it but supposedly, it has been very successful in treating food allergies when there is not really a cure for them. It hasn't been around very long so it's unavailable in a lot of states. I was just wondering if anyone else had heard of it and tried it.

My issues are IgG reactions. I do have a little bit of bloating but most of the issues involve my mouth feeling numb and respiratory problems.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Your allergies are in the "true allergy" category versus the food sensitivity category, so your friends and family really need to be more supportive.  Food allergies and sensitivities definitely do put a damper on things.  I've never heard of LDA myself, but I sure hope it helps.
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1476867 tn?1287477799
just to say you are not alone, i can only eat about 5 foods now, i used to be able to eat anything but gradually my intollerances became severe like allergies, there are so many the doctors dont know how to treat me, i just pray that one day i get help :o)
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