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What do I have?

I am 18 years old, male, and I've experienced a problem in my digestive system. Everytime I eat macaroni and cheese, chicken alfredo, nesquick, ramen noodles, and any chicken salad. Do I have a food allergy? I went to the doctor and they said im not lactos intolerant, I don't know what it is. Can you help me? Is it a food allergy?
6 Responses
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1851278 tn?1319400944
The common trend in the foods you mentioned is that they are all pre-packaged and sadly to say, full of chemicals. These foods actually aren't even considered "food," - and I feel you are having a reaction to the chemicals. When you feel horrible, thats your body telling you, whatever you are putting in it - it doesn't want it.

Try to eat more foods that aren't packaged and full of dyes, chemicals and artificial ingredients and I promise you will notice a difference.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi, I am not a doctor but am wondering --- have you had your thyroid levels checked at all ?

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I'm a 31 year old Female with two kids, three years apart, and my youngest is 6 years old. Had to have a total hysterectomy when my son was only 4 months old and the month before that had a lyposcoptic surgery to see what was wrong and I had my tubes tied at the sametime only to have to have everything removed, including my appendix, a month later. That was in the year 2005 and I was 25 years old I have been having health problems ever since for example severe Anxiety, stomach and Digestive ploblems, exsesive gastric fluids causing constant stomach pain, rapid heartrate along with severe Fatigue and cold numb tingling in my hands and feet as well as really bad headaches with the pain behind my eyes and the base of my neck on up the back of my head and these areas actually feel sore to the touch while this is happening and I've had some bright red bleeding lately with bowel movements. I have been taking the pill form of Premarin 0.9mg since April 2005 is that bad to be on that medication for so long
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hello, it could be a food sensitivity, not an allergy, I have both and they both are similar. Have a food panel for dairy and meat run for allergies, this should reveal some answers.
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Agree with amberette. Also one word, fiber. I had stomach problems all my life and just eating fiber really help! Whole west bread, raisin bran (my fav) and yogurts will really help regulate your system. Warning, if your body isn't ussed to that much fiber it may cause life threatening, gas. ;)
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1380071 tn?1279095025
The majority of those foods are starchy and fatty...they are processed foods. They also have dairy in common. It is possible you could have a food allergy, but it is possible you could have an irregular digestive track. Just try laying off of starchy, creamy, and fatty foods. Try eating whole foods....mainly vegetable, meats, and fruit.
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