20801560 tn?1512718136

What's about your Food Allergies?

Someone’s Suffer the stomach pain by eating milk. Someone's purple face itch by eating eggplant.  Someone has an allergy to egg started eating stomach pain, these are all food allergies. It is also wrong to think that if the allergy is eliminated from eggplant, shrimp or cow's meat only. Because the food allergy is different from human body different food. What is about your food allergy?
2 Responses
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363281 tn?1643235611
Hello~My food allergies usually cause Anxiety attacks. I use to have many food allergies, but now, I hardly have any and the ones I do have really don't cause many symptoms at all. Oh, I do know that food allergies can cause weight gain in certain people, especially if it is wheat. Allergies are hard to detect at times and can be hard to control.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Sometimes allergies are delayed reaction and some can be immediate.  It's a good idea to see a doctor to see what you are allergic to and to formulate a game plan.  I agree with SassyLassie above, too!

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