1464587 tn?1307491605


Has anyone ever takin bladderwrack and then maybe 12 hours later had a reaction of severe dizziness after eating?  Dizziness was like when you were a kid and you used to spin around until you couldn't anymore? The reaction afterward was what I had everytime I moved or even shifted.
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definately could have been the Bladderwrack. if you experience ANY odd side effect after taking a new supplement, i would get advice from a herbalist. It stands to reason that any new substance you ingest that your body has not come across before, or have not taken for a period of time will ellicit chemical changes throughout your entire system. This can result in either physical or mental changes to to what is your normal modus operandi. It could also be a drug interaction - bladderwrack is a mild anticoagulant, & could enhance the effects of meds like asprin & warfarin.
the body is sooooo complex, I seriously wish I had an instruction manual.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Definitely stay away from the med and ask your dr is my suggestion.  Could be a delayed reaction .. but 12 hrs is a lot for anaphylaxis but who knows if the ingredients are time delayed in the med release?
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363281 tn?1714899967
I have not heard of a delayed allergic reaction like that. Usually, a reaction will appear around 45 minutes to maybe a few hours, but, as everyone's body is different, I guess it is possible.
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