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13285008 tn?1429289536

Alcohol Allergies?

I have a situation at hand and I can't quite figure it out. In the past four years I have had two extreme allergic reactions. The first time, when I was 16, I ended up in and out of the hospital in France for 3 days. I was swollen, red, itchy, had trouble breathing. They were unable to identify what had happened to  me.
Now, just last night, I was walking home with a friend the way I always do with nothing different in the day (didn't eat anything new or use a new lotion or touch something different then I usually do) when I started swelling up and had nausea, a tight chest, and dizziness. I was red and itchy all over.
Anyways, the night before I drank the most I've ever had and ended up getting very, very sick from it. I was wondering if that would have any impact? Have I developed an allergic reaction to alcohol?
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Recently on t.v....google "Girl allergic to life, who lives in S.C. Very
enlightening story of histamines. Her comments may help you understand allergies, etc.  Came on her in one year... v.v. sad but informative. I have allergies also. Check out website for the story, amazing how she survives.
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the only allergy or intolerance in combination with alcohol that I know is having a histamine intolerance. You must know that I'm sensitive against HI and I can tell you a lot about it. Now you may ask yourself what histamine operates or so.. Foodstuff that ripens got a lot of histamine. Like tomatos, basicly everything what got the color red ;), sauerkraut, chocolate, beer, wine, cheese and so on. As soon as you eat sth histamine rich your body reacts with a allergic reaction. To diagnose HI it needs an common blood test, nohting special ;). To our time there are dietary supplements already available which can help you to handle it. For example I'm using Daosin, it makes it possible to eat everything, even if histamine rich or not.

Hope I could give you the tip you're looking for :)
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363281 tn?1714899967

Usually food allergies/intolerances show up faster than the next day, but anything is possible. I would call your PCP and tell him/her what happened, unless you were bitten by an insect, I can not imagine why this would have happened.
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