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Weird alcohol intolerance - tequila and rum

Hi!  The other day I spent all day throwing up after having consumed dark rum the night before.  I am a healthy, all-around normal 23-y/o female (some acid reflux).  I am an avid enjoyer of wine and whiskey, and have never had issues with either beverage.  Beer I need to stay away from because it gives me horrid cramps and bloating, but never have I felt nauseous.  The only drink I've know to make me this sick is tequila.  Even the smell has instilled nausea in me.  I am allergic to tree nuts, and actually figured that there could be a correlation between that and the agave agent in tequila.  Needless to say, I avoid at all costs.  It not only is an instant recipe for throwing up, but also has the effect of making me pass out quite quickly.  The other night I noticed the same effect with dark rum.  The night was going fine (around 2 drinks in, just wine and whiskey) until I had some rum, and even though that was my last drink (around midnight), I felt dizzy and out of sorts (not just drunk) well past when I should have.  That night I woke up to throw up and the next day I basically could not leave my bed without releiving my belly.  It felt very similar to food poisoning.  I was tired and dizzy and consistently nauseous.

Either way the answer is to avoid tequila and rum at all costs.  I'm just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences!  As well as if you are allergic to any other things (nuts, agave, sugar, etc) or suffer anything like acid reflux or IBS.  
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Hi! Late to the party but I seem to be intolerant to rum and tequila too. I've just had two margaritas for the first time (despite being 30) and I'm now flushed, have bad heartburn, and feel like throwing up. Urgh. Rum is basically the same. Other liquors and spirits (like vodka) seem to be ok.

Did you ever work out the cause? I wonder if it's to do with the type of sugars.
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363281 tn?1714899967
It sounds like a type of sensitivity to me, I would have an allergist check for any hidden allergies.
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well...its hard to say what's exactly going on with you...
I had similar expierences. I loved to drink a glas of red wine every night. But last year in december after one glas I felt sick and my tounge started to burn. After half a year I got the diagnosis histamine intolerance. But since 4 month I'm using Daosin, its against histamine intolerance andso I don't have any problems so far. With Daosin I can eat any food,doesn't matter if histamine rich or not. It avoids the allergic raction.

Ask your allergist if he can check ya
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