1666434 tn?1325262350

What else contains Sulfites?

I have been allergic to Sulfa medications since I was younger but I never ever knew this extended to foods or to drinks for that matter.  I recently discovered that this is in epinephrine which is what is in an epi-pen used to help an allergic reaction.

I had no idea that I even had an allergy or severe reaction to epinephrine until 2 weeks ago when I went to the dentist and was given a novacaine with this in it called Septocaine.  I immediately broke out in a cold sweat, started shaking and felt like I was going to pass out.  The after effects were a swollen throat and swollen face.  It looked like I had a stroke on the side of my face where I was injected.  This normally does not happen to me at all.

When I came home I immediately looked it up online to find out more--- apparently if you have high or low blood pressure or are allergic to sulfites you should not have epinephrine.

Wanted to share this to see if anyone else has a similar experience.
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You might want to look into gluten and other foods such as dairy, soy, and corn.

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535822 tn?1443976780
Well I have some itchy scalp back...but I think the shampoo is working I think I over loaded on sulfites in food ,I am going to check out furballs list again,in fact I am going to re read all of this thread ,I need to become more focused on diet.  I know I must be allergic to more than shampoo
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1666434 tn?1325262350
We use Tom's of Maine Deodorant and the toothpaste.is great especially the kids versions.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Oh, yeah, I love the Tom's of Maine deodorant.  I use their unscented variety because I have so many natural allergies in addition to the topic at hand.  I can't find many options from their company for the SLS and flouride free because of this, but where I shop they do have one or two options that are SLS and flouride free.  I have been using other brands because of my other allergies.  

Their deodorant is so nice, though.  The unscented one uses hops and is very effective.  It's a great option for people with a lot of sensitivities and allergies.  I know people who buy this brand simply because they know it doesn't contain aluminum and because it's an affordable brand.  It doesn't even cost any more than the big commercial brands.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I love Organix Coconut.  I have tried the others and not liked them as much as the Coconut one.  I buy Tom's deodorant too in Lavendar and Apricot and Calendula and they work great.  I can even have my 9 year old use it and not have to worry about the aluminum.
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681148 tn?1437661591
You're welcome.  I agree about how confusing the baking soda and aluminum free is.  I'm not sure why the FDA doesn't require that aluminum be put on the labels, but it's one of those things that there is a loophole involved for not being required to put that on the labels.  I think it's very deceptive to do that, because so many people still don't know about the aluminum.

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