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alcohol intolerance

I have never been a heavy drinker (at least on a regular basis).  I certainly have had my nights of drunken fun, but they are few and far between.  Suddenly about 18 months ago, I started getting violently ill the day after drinking.  It didn't matter if I had one wine cooler or 5 vodka tonics.  I've been to the doctor and had many tests.  There were minor problems found, but nothing that would explain the alcohol intolerance.  I am now convinced it is fructose malabsorption.  Anyone with the same symptoms should check into it

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Hello and welcome to the community.

One thing you may want to look into is sulfite allergy.  Most alcoholic beverages have sulfites in them and can cause the symptoms you describe.  

I hope that helps you and please keep us posted on what you learn.
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168348 tn?1379357075

Ohhhhh right sulfites!

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681148 tn?1437661591
Yes, definitely sulfites.  I thought I had allergy to the alcohol itself, because just a taste or two of wine would make me feel funny.  I never tried to drink more than moderation.  Well, I cooked with wine, which is supposed to evaporate the majority of the alcohol and leave the flavor behind.  That's when I learned that sulfites were the bigger problem.  I felt like I had the flu for over a week.  My joints ached so bad.  So, no coq au vin (wine chicken) for me.
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I am checking into Celiac disease, fructose malabsorption and now sulfite allergy-thanks guys.  I also have trouble with water hurting my stomach.  Sulfite allergy would explain that.  I will post more after my GI appt.

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Thanks for the update.  Please do let us know what the GI says.

Take care and have a blessed day.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Considering your occurring after alcohol consumption the abdominal pain could be due to pancreatitis or acute gastritis. To reduce acid levels try good life style measures. Keep a food diary and note down what aggravates your symptoms and avoid them. Ensure to maintain optimum weight by regular exercise. Avoid NSAID's, quit smoking, eliminate alcohol, avoid caffeinated beverages and reduce stress levels. OTC antacids can further aid in reducing acid levels. These measures need to be practiced long term for results. Please consult your primary care physician for proper assessment.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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