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looks like white paint on skin is it a rash?

my girlfriend was digging in the closet, when she was done she found there was this weird white paint like stuff on her finger it spread a little bit like an acid burn and stung, there was nothing in the closet unsafe that could of donr this to hur, is it a weird rash or a food allergy, what should we do, her 2 fingertips look like they got dipped in white out, is it dry skin?
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I found a cure!
I live in Australia, and here we have a soap called "solvol"
It's made from a tough grit and it's basically like a stone, it's made for working men with really rough hands that get beaten up during the day.

Anyway, it works!
The rash went away in less than 15 minutes.
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This is happening to me right now, what really flipped me out is that I was just cooking with flour and thought it was that...but it wouldn't wash off.
After I saw it was spreading really fast I jumped on here and after realising that it was a chemical thing. I remembered I had also cleaned my hot tub with some chemicals and they would of easily spilt on my fingers.

I just hope this stuff goes away, it's really gross.
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Three of us had this this morning and after reading your post I see that it was the food grade hydrogen peroxide I had in the fridge which spilled near our cheese and everyone who reached for cheese got this white stuff on them I noticed mine was really itchy. It did disappear fairly quickly in a few hours.
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I had the same thing happen after moving and cleaning an office. Based on the pattern of your reports, it seems it's something that occurs when in contact with cleaning products. My guess is that you each were using the cleaning wipes (not the kind for face and hand) from maybe Lysol or something. Thats happened to me twice including today but still cant find an answer as to what it is. Weirdly though, I panicked and taped all my fingers so I dont touch my face and within 30mins, vapor somehow built up under the tape and when I removed them, my fingers looked good as new, like it NEVER happened. I quickly washed my hands n now am paranoid but the look super clean again. Anyone find out what it is and if its benign or not, please post here. Thank you.
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This just happened to me and I found out that it was Food Grade  Hydrogen Peroxide I had in my freezer! It had tipped over and it was on some of the bags of food in my freezer. I had no idea where this was coming from because I didn't notice it right away the other times. so thankful my mom had mentioned that had happened to her and sure enough when I went to touch it in freezer my hands started to burn and turn white!
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YES!!!! I didn't know what it came from and when I read your post, looked down at my counter and there was a bottle of peroxide that I had just picked up! Thank you!
You keep hydrogen peroxide in your kitchen?  Did figuring this out solve your issue?
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I think you need to consult with the good skin doctor. May be it is some kind of food allergy.  
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