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looks like white paint on skin is it a rash?

my girlfriend was digging in the closet, when she was done she found there was this weird white paint like stuff on her finger it spread a little bit like an acid burn and stung, there was nothing in the closet unsafe that could of donr this to hur, is it a weird rash or a food allergy, what should we do, her 2 fingertips look like they got dipped in white out, is it dry skin?
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Same thing just happened to me. This is the second time. Both times it goes away on its own. I feel a tingling or pricking sensation just before I notice it. It's under the skin an followes the pattern of the fingerprint . Looks like paint but comes from out of nowhere and does not wash off. I took some pictures. It's weird. It just goes away on its own . A friend had the same thing happen to her. Maybe it's part of this DNA upgrade we are supposed to be getting ;)
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I had this happen to me just minutes ago. I was cleaning the stove and suddenly my fingers on left hand started burning. Immediately after the burning sensation, white paint like substance appeared on the same fingers. I tried washing it off, but it only made it spread. I freaked out and immediately got on the internet to see if this was related to fiberglass exposure. I didn't know what else it could be. It seems to be going away on its own and no longer burning as much.
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I'm a hairdresser and get what u r describing if I get power lightner (hair bleach) on my skin. It is chemical burn!
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I'm a hairdresser and get what u r describing if I get power lightner (hair bleach) on my skin. It is chemical burn!
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I just had this exact thing happen to me too. It happened fast- two times now in the last four days- both times while trying on clothes-
happened FAST- and started to spread- looks like white paint- couldn't wash it off- and it BURNS. Only goes away on it's own. NOthing I could do helped.
I'm thinking it is from my white plastic hangers!
Maybe the plastic was not cured- I did recently buy a new pack of them. BUT who knows which ones they were- they're all mixed up in there now -- has there been any recall on hangers? I can't find it on the web.
Anyone figure it out yet?
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This happened to me as well. I watch it spread on the back of one finger (above the first joint on one hand) and on the index fingertip. It spread right before my eyes and was accompanied by a slight burning sensation...seemed like a chemical burn. Definitely some type of reaction to something. My question is to what?? Tried to wash/scrub it off with soap, water, and acetic acid (vinegar)...to no avail from what I could tell. One went away within 35 minutes. On the other, its been there for at least an hours.  I just took some pictures, and looked at my skin under a USB microscope. I could clearly see that the white spots on my fingertip were BELOW the surface of the skin (which i why I could not scrub them off), and appear to be small clusters of CRYSTALLIZED material in the skin (which probably is what caused the pain/burning sensation). Perhaps this is uric acid crystallized?? which would make this a symptom of hyperuricemia or minor gout?? I did have a hangover this weekend after watching the Niners game. Don't know. Crazy.
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omg THIS JUST HAPPENED TO ME  i was turning the knob on my washing machine i felt a tingle slightly painful sensation and watched what i thought was some sort of infection  spread across three fingers
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