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Headaches after FESS Surgery

I had FESS surgery 2 weeks ago to remove polyps. I NEVER NEVER experience headaches before my surgery Didnt experience any pressure. the only symptons before my surgery was No sense of smell for 6 years. Polyps and my nose always being stuffy and swolen. the day of the surgery I woke up with such an excrutiating pain/pressure on my head! I woke up with a really bad headache that I never in my life experience before. I've notice that whenever I would carry on a conversation that would cause me to get somewhat a little emotional that causes me a very severe head ache in the back of my head and the side of my head i would have to calm down so that the pain would go away. This has happens 4 times I wasn't upset and I wasnt angry just a little emotional that caused the PAIN. Is this normal? what went wrong???? headaches was never a problem. My sinus however is gone! not only can I breathe right but I got my sense of smell back! Sinus is no longer a problem now is my HEADACHES.
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351246 tn?1379682132

Thanks for writing to the forum!
Like any surgery FESS surgery too has its benefits and complications. It has brought back your sense of smell, relieved you of sinusitis and nasal blockage. However this surgery at times affects a part of the brain closest to the sinus on which surgery was done. In your case the frontal lobe may have got affected. Hence when you are emotional, headache starts. However this is treatable with medicines. Talk to your surgeon and physician about it. Do not worry. It is a minor complication in face of the success you achieved through surgery.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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i had FESS with SEPTOPLAST surgery 5months before for Sneezing and running nose .After surgery 3 months my problem(sneezing and running nose )continuous.But now i have no sneezing and running nose But i have Headache now.Before surgery i have no Headache. now i am facing severe Headache everyday.What i will do? Note: Befor this(Sinus problem)alsy.two months after it has completely cured.
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I had the FESS operation for the second time last year. Since then I have severe pain in the scalp in the area where the front hairline starts. I am taking Lyrica since then. It is not helping. On the CT polyps are back, but the pain started right after the operation. What could be the cause of this  pain be? What kind of medicines may help? My head feels very heavy and not the frontal sinus itself. I cannot concentrate at all.

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I had the FESS operation for the second time last year. Since then I have severe pain in the scalp in the area where the front hairline starts. I am taking Lyrica since then. It is not helping. On the CT polyps are back, but the pain started right after the operation. What could be the cause of this  pain be? What kind of medicines may help? My head feels very heavy and not the frontal sinus itself. I cannot concentrate at all.

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