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3-yr-old daughter with hives all over body

My 3-yr-old developed hives all over her body last Wednesday. They continue to get worse each day and seem to last longer. We have taken her to her pediatrician who feels it is something she has ingested. As a result, we have limited her diet to anything that is not a common allergen. Still they continue to appear. We also have three dogs and as a result, sent her to my parents house where they have none to see if that could be it-still has hives. We notice the only pattern is that she gets them shortly after taking a nap or while she is sleeping. The hives are covering her body (head, face, neck, arms, back, stomach, thighs, ankles, heels). We don't know what to do. Her Pediatrician does not seem to want to run even a blood test yet but I am worried this is going to evolve into something really bad considering the hives get worse every day.

Also, we put a temporary "Dora" tattoo on her arm Wednesday morning (the day the hives started). Never once did it occur to us that might be causing it. We removed the tattoo yesterday morning and yesterday was the first day that she only have one attack of them instead of three. Plus the severity was much less.

Does any one have any suggestions as to what might be causing these hives? Can sleep cause them? Any ideas as to if the temporary tattoo can cause such a reaction body wide (I might note, it is not a tattoo with henna in it)?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as it is starting to worry us! My husband and I suffer greatly from allergies so we know she probably inherited some but what it is we have no idea!

Thank you!
11 Responses
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I would take her to the ER if your doctor refuses to do anything about it. If nothing else, they will or should run a blood test on her. I once bought my daughter new clothes and she wore a shirt without me washing it. She's done so before but for whatever reason, this time she broke out in hives all over her body even her legs. I called her doctor right away but was told to give her benadryl and it worked. However, as soon as the benadryl wore out she would break out in hives again. This lasted for 3 days and by then of course she was not wearing new clothes. She would also get a low grade fever when this happened. I don't know what caused it but her pediatrician wasn't too concerned either.

Did you recently change detergent/fabric softeners? To me it sounds like it may be the tattoo that caused it since you said that is when it started.
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No we have not changed detergents/fabric softeners. Since my husband and I suffer from many allergies, all of which are different I might add, we are very careful to use products that are dye and perfume free and allergen free. We have been using the same products that we have found do not cause a reaction for either of us as well as our daughter. Unfortuantely, everything in our lives has remained the same so trying to find the cause is particularly difficult. The only ideas that we have had are sleep (sweating/overheating) or the tattoo. She is still getting them but they are decreasing is severity and frequency since the removal of the tattoo.

If they do not go away completely and her pediatrician still will not refer us to an allergist or run tests, I will be sure to go to the ER (and consider another pediatrician).

Thank you for responding- I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
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440120 tn?1211724496
Thanks so much for the post! I have to tell you first,that it isnt the tatoo..alot of people are experiencing the EXACT same symptoms your daughter has,ME. I have already posted a duplicate post like yours. I have hives and also certain joints ache. I havent changed my diet,soap,shampoo,anything. I really and truly believe that it is an epidemic affecting alot of people at the same time. I am so frustrated trying to figure out what is causing this. My doc said it was the new kitten I had adopted a few weeks ago...but I got rid of the kitten and the symptoms are still occurring. All I can say is take her to an allergy doctor and don't delay...I have never been allergic to anything in my life and I have the same side effects that you daughter is having. I also recently learned of two other people that have it also.
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When an irritant comes into contact with your body, your immune system sends chemicals, including histamine, to fight it. The sudden spike in histamine levels can cause an outbreak of hives in the upper layers of the skin. Hives are often caused by a hypersensitivity to:
•Foods (commonly eggs, shellfish, nuts, berries, dyes, or other additives)
•Drugs (any drug can touch off an allergic reaction, although allergies to penicillin, sulfa, and aspirin are especially common)
•Pollens and plants (nettles, poison ivy, poison oak, and so on)
•Animal fur
•Insect bites or stings
•Exposure to heat, cold, or sunshine
In young children, a viral infection like a cold may trigger a bout of hives. Other potential triggers include physical exertion or exercise, stress, illness, chemicals, cosmetics, textiles, and pressure from materials rubbing against the skin.
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My daughter is breaking out in hives only after her nap and in the morning after she slept all night she has them. They go away in about a hour or so but I have no idea what is causing them. I have not changed anything that could cause her to break out and I dont understand why it only happens when she sleeps. Sometimes they are all over ranging to big ones and small ones on face arms legs butt or some days just her legs. If anyone can help me since the doctor doesnt say much about it except it might be the detergent which i know its not because then she would have them all day because i wash her clothes in the same detergent it would be greatly appreciated.
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You are not alone.  My almost 3 year old son has been breaking out in hives for almost 3 weeks now and I finally realized that it only happens when he wakes from a nap or from a full night's sleep.  No, its NOT the detergent or the juice or the sauce....I strongly feel that its something that's happening during sleep time.  But what????  I would love to know!!  I'm going through Benadryl like crazy.
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I am going through the same problem! Did you ever figure out what it was!
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I was having the same problem thought is was my cat or my dog or something that I ate. This is what I did and have not had Hives since. Try this for a week or two and see if this works. Wash everybody's bedding and clothes 2 times in All Stainlifters Free and Clear Laundry Detergent to get out the other detergent. Shower in Dove Daily Moisture Therapy Shampoo and Dove Daily Moisture Therapy Conditioner. And Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash. Make sure wash everyday. And clean out from under your toe nails and finger nails. My allergist took blood and did a skin test but he said it's a 10 percent chance they would find anything. This is what he recommend to me he said it was the best and I agree. He said also keep a journal of everything you put in your mouth I no it sounds easy. But it's not. Could from a cigarette to candy. write down the time and day for 2 straight weeks and when you start breaking out go back within 3 hours and mark it. Than if it happens again repeat the step mark it.  But this time you have to go through every ingredient  that was in whatever and compare and not eat it and wait to see if that was it. But I just use those products and I have not had no more problems with hives. And it makes me very happy I don't have to cover myself anymore. :)
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It's the Laundry Detergent on his pillow and bedding,
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Having the same problem with my 3 y/o ! She break out in puffed bumps on her face like welts but round bumps, like an insect bite, it's a little on her chest and back, but a lot on her cheeks.
It started a week ago! I thought it was the oregano In beans, the thought it was the minute maid juice, then thought and thought couldn't figure out nothing! It's only in the evening  between 6-8 when we get relaxed. I've vacuumed well, and now on a mission to wash bedding and everything with the ALL DETERGENT, I hope this works!! It could have been the new sheets I bought, soon to find out.
I took her to the Doctor today he almost bet it was the juice after I described the events, he prescribed more benodryl and an epiPen. Now I have news for him.
I bbelieve it's the NEW SHEETS I bought.
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I know this is an old post but I've come into the same problem with my 5 year old for at least 6 months. He only gets them after sleeping, but ONLY in his room. At first we thought he was allergic to polyester so we replaced everything to cotton. We have tried eliminating certain things from his diet, we have super cleaned his room but nothing works...did you guys ever find an answer?
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I am also curious.  My 11 month old has developed hives that are nearly always present after a nap.  They seem especially bad at Daycare and are freaking the staff out.  They started sending me photos and they are definitely worse at Daycare, though she gets them at my home (brand new construction).  We don't have pets or mold, we just moved in so it's really clean.  I've rewashed all her clothes in hypoallergenic detergent but she's still getting them.  They don't seem to bother her - not itchy or painful - it just looks awful.  I've looked up every possible rash cause from Ringworm to Fifth Disease and nothing fits.  They're definitely hives.  I really thought I had a winner with the laundry detergent and have asked what Daycare washes their bedding with.  That might give me a clue as to why it seems especially bad there.  I have talked to her pediatrician and she recommended benedryl, 3 mL every 6 hours.  I'm going to do that over the weekend and see if I can knock this out, fingers crossed.  I really would like to know if anyone found a cause for their child's hives though.
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