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Menus and foods for thosw w/Gastric ulcers and diabetes

My mom is 77 and has been diagnosed with a gastric ulcer. She also has diabetes and high blood pressure. What should her breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks look like to keep all of these conditions under control?
3 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
You may get aswers here but there is also a Gastoentology Forum maybe helpful and a Diabetic Forum for more answers, good luck
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Tips for acidity: Avoid heavy meals. Take small frequent meals. This will help with diabetes too. Avoid too much of caffeine, tea, fried food and drinks both alcoholic and non alcoholic fuzzy ones. Avoid heavy exercises within 4 hours of a heavy meal. Raise the head end of the bed by pillows to 30 degrees. Go to bed at least 2 hours after food.

Tips for diabetes and blood pressure: The trick is to eat frequent small meals. Avoid too much calories. Hence sweet foods like cakes, pastries, juices, colas etc are to be minimally taken. Potatoes, rice, refined flour etc to be again minimally taken. Plenty of fruits with less sugar like apple, cucumbers, melons and carrots can be taken. Grapes and mangoes should be taken in moderation. One teaspoon oil and one teaspoon salt for the day should be enough. Whole grains and cereals should be used liberally along with green vegetables and salads without fattening dressings. Plenty of clear soups will help.

I am providing you with a link where you can learn how to plan a diet: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/diabeticdiet.html

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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Thanks a lot for the info. I will pass it on to my mom.
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