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Allergic reaction

I also had a reaction to my bra. I paid $40.00 for the Victoria Secret bra sometime last year. I didn't know what was going on. Every time i put it on, it would become very irratating. I wore it to work one night. I was scratching and pulling at it all night. When I got home  I pulled it off. I had red blotches across my back and sides. I even showed my husband. I wasn't sure what was going on so I threw the bra away. I haven't had a problem since. I think it was a very sexy brand. I didn't think anything of it until I saw the broadcast on the news. Well at least I know what was causing the problem.
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I am completely blown away by how many of you are out there with the same problems I've been experiencing. I have been living with the most severe pain and inflamed open sore on one of my nipples for the past two years. I have spent thousands of dollars trying to figure out the source of the problem to no avail. I never thought that it could be my VS bras. I thought I had breast cancer and had a biopsy done which left scarring. I've been prescribed steroid creams which have not helped and have only caused other problems. I have been in great pain and have felt horribly alone and deformed. I have tried swtiching all my detergents and lotions and have drastically altered my diet assuming that I must have food allergies. I am even more frustrated to learn that this is such a widespread problem. I'm sorry you ladies are in this same boat. Something needs to be done! Thank you for posting the contact info at VS, I'm going to contact them right away.
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I am having the same problem that these women have had with Victoria Secrets Bras, mine is with a Wacoal Bra,  I am experiencing awful burning and large red blotches that truly hurt, some have turned in to small blisters.  This is quite painful and it is all over one side on my body where the bra would fit.  Until I read these postings I really did not know what was going on.  the area is so sensitive it is unbearable.  Is there anyone else out there who has experienced the same symptoms with any Wacoal products. I soul
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Today I received the prepaid return envelope from Victoria Secret to return the bras that were causing rashes in exchange for a full refund.  Unfortunately, they did not send anything in writing stating they will refund the money I spent on these bras.  I called Michelle Sharma (VS claims dept.) at 800-810-7011 and she referred me to Dawn Arthur (VS client relations supervisor) at 937-438-4281.  Ms. Arthur stated she would send me a letter stating $42.00 would be refunded to me for each bra returned.  I told her I want a FULL RETAIL REFUND of $56.00 per bra.  She agreed and stated the letter would me mailed to me today.  I'll let you know when that letter arrives.  

Fight for your rights ladies and don't settle for less than full satisfaction!  
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I called Victoria Secret last week (800-945-5088) and was told by a Customer Service Supervisor they would send me a prepaid envelope to return all my VS bras for a full refund.  Today, I received a call from Michelle Sharma of the Victoria Secret claims department.  Ms. Sharma confirmed that the prepaid return envelope is on it's way to me to return all my VS bras in exchange for a full refund.  Ms. Sharma requested me to send her a copy of all my medical bills I have incurred to date relating to the treatment of my rash so Victoria Secret can reimburse me for all out-of-pocket medical expenses.  Here is Ms. Sharma's contact info for all of you that also want reimbursement:  
Attn:  Michelle Sharma (her phone number is 1-800-810-7011; select option #1, then select option #3)
The Limited
3 Limited Parkway
Columbus, OH  43230
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I recently purchased a "foam" lined bra from Kohl's.  Upon wearing it, I immediately began noticing one nipple turned red and began itching.  Thinking I had a yeast infection, I put some vinegar on it and after a week of 3x a day, it did go away.  Fortunately, I also thought it just might be the bra so I stopped wearing it.  Now I know!
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Has anyone had problems with the panties causing burning irritation down there?
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