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Allergic to Antihistamine combined with my Contacts

I've been dealing with this the past year, and I see an allergist.  She hasn't been able to determine anything.  

My problem started with swollen eyes.  They weren't itchy, but I could feel my sinuses swell a bit along with my tear ducts swelling.  I took an antihistamine, which I haven't taken in a long while.  The antihistamine alone was okay, but combine it with using my contacts, and my eyes swell.  I don't know if it's the saline or contact solution.  So, I stopped the meds, and it went away.  My contacts alone are fine.  No issues.  Last week, I took an antihistamine before getting my allergy injection, and I was fine.  I was wearing my glasses most of last week.  I took one Thursday night in case I wanted to get another injection on Friday.  I didn't.  I skipped it.  Friday night, I decided to put my contacts in before heading out for the evening. Within an hour, I started to get bubbles in my tear ducts again.  The swelled slowly through the night and took awhile to go down during the weekend.  No itchiness.  This makes no sense to me.  So the meds alone are fine.  The contacts alone are fine.  Combine them and I'm messed up.  :(  Which ingredient is doing this to me?  How do I combat this?  My allergist wants me to take the meds, but I want to wear my contacts from time to time, too.  I've tried claritin and allegra, and both give the same reaction.  Singulair does not, however, because it lack antihistamine.  But my allergist want me on an antihistamine.  

Any thoughts on this?
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Also.  I did mention this issue to my allergist, and one day I was able to show her.  She said it might be a food allergy, so they tested me to find out.  But out of the few things I'm allergic to food-wise, I hadn't just eaten them.  So, I know that's NOT the issue.
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antihistimines can dry the eyes and maybe this is causing you problems with your contact lenses!
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