2020156 tn?1328563786

Allergic to shampoo???

ok, so i have accepted the fact that my skin is sensitive to A LOT of things! iv got body wash, detergent, and body lotion down....but i cant seem to find the right shampoo! its so irritating! i thought it was only conditioners i couldnt use but now my shampoo is causing me to get sores on my head and becomes really itchy. iv tried a few shampoos such as dove, head and shoulders dry itchy scalp, tressemmee(sp?) pantene. those are a few that i can remember....
i dont know anything about shampoo, so i dont know what to look for when im trying to find one that i wont have an allergic reaction to.

any suggestions?
3 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
Try a sulphite free shampoo I found that was causing my itchy scalp the drug stores sell sulphite free, conditioner is okay it doesn't appear to have sulphite in it ..
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757137 tn?1347196453
Buy Dr. Bronner's Castile shampoo. He also makes a soap. What you have been using are detergent shampoos and these often cause allergic reactions. By the way castile shampoo (a soap, not a detergent) does not dry out your hair. Detergents remove the oils from your hair and you have to use conditioner. Once you have been using a soap shampoo long enough for healthy hair to grow out, you can say goodbye to conditioners. You will be surprised how shiny your hair will be.
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2020156 tn?1328563786
Thank you guys so much! Ill give those a try :)
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