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Allergies, Runny nose

HELP!!  I'm asthmatic and have chronic Rhinitis as well.  I'm suffering from Nasal plyps too and have had 2 previous polypectomies, one of those also included the widening of my nasal passage.

I have been on Betnesol drop, flixonase,otravine and nasonex sprays in the past along with my antihistamine tablet but my polyps have come back in about 10 months since the last surgery.  My sypmtoms are quite severe, with the loss of taste and smell,  Severe runny nose to the point that it constantly drips, blocked nose and sinus headache.

Is there anything I can do to relieve or stop these from reoccurring and get my life back to normal along with my taste and smell?

Many Thanks
2 Responses
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I suffer with exactly the same condition and have been a guinea pig for many different drugs.  Basically of numerous studies and appointments with specialists i'm told that there is no cure.... but prevention is the key.  Therefore everynight i take a zirtec tablet and some flixonase and then everymorning i take just the flixonase again.  This really works for me. Good luck.
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It sounds like you are willing to try anything.  I know of a company where many people have seen relief for a lot of symptoms that you are having.  A good website to go to is www.5pillars.com.  Let me know if you want more info ***@****
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