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Allergies taking over my life (runny nose)

My allergy/nasal problem all started my junior year of high school when 1 of my nostrils was 100% blocked from airflow for about several months. I had never had allergy problems in the past, so I went to my family doctor to get it checked out and he said it was only allergies and to use a steroid spray. I figured, great, this doesn't sound so bad. Anyways, I used the spray for about a month and went back as my symptoms remained and he just put me on a new spray and a basic over the counter antihistamine for another month and said there is no need to see an allergy specialist for this. Once again I didn't see any relief so I said screw my family doctor, it's time to see a specialist.

I went and saw an ENT nose, ears, and throat specialist and they found a tumor which was blocking my airflow. I get that removed and they clear my sinuses and my airflow is great now, except that I always have a runny nose. I will blow my nose and then about 15 minutes later it's running all over the place and I just can't do much about it. I can't go around with a kleenex shoved up my nose. My senior year of high school and freshman year of college were both horrible because of my runny nose.

I've went to an allergist and 2 ENTs, and they all confirmed that I do have allergies, such as to cats, mold, grass, dust, etc.... During this time span I've been on multiple medications, such as singular, clarinex-d, and countless others trying to provide relief for my nose. I also started allergy shots during this period and am currently a year into them.

The allergy shots up to this point have not provided an ounce of relief, along with the other medications I've been recommended by an allergist. I pretty much stay at my home all day now and rush to get home from classes because my life is absolutely **** now with this runny nose. I never had a problem with allergies before my surgery, but perhaps it triggered them. My nose is runny at both school and at home, although at home I feel I am able to blow my nose pretty much anytime I want to without disturbing anyone.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm going to stick with the allergy shots, but does anyone have any temporary recommendations? I'm going back to my allergist to tell her how nothing is working and I feel like i've just wasted 2 years since my surgery.
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I take 1000mg of vitamin C three times a day.  Make sure its after you have a meal.  My problem is post nasal drip from allergies and non allergic rhinitis.  If I go off of my meds I get soar throat, sinus infection and constant cough (no phlem)  I think the vit C helps more than the meds or at least helps the inflamation in my sinuses go down so the meds work better.   I also think I'm going to start taking zinc which is also an anti inflammatory vit.  Good luck
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Thanks for the reply, I have actually read that vitamin C and E do help with allergies. Some other things that might help that I've read about which could help is an omega 3 supplement, such as fish oils, green tea without milk, fermented foods, such as yogurt, and Butterbur without pyrrolizidine alkaloid-free. I'll give vitamin C, E, and fish oils a shot, and I did manage to make an allergist appointment for Friday, but with my allergist's assistant... due to my allergist only handling 1 more appointment this year.

It's pretty ridiculous how often doctors go on vacation and it seems to happen every time I'm thinking about making an appointment.
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Just wanted to update that I saw my allergist's assistant on Friday and it went fantastic. She prescribed me 2 medications... I'll have to get the names of them later on tonight, but one is a nasal spray and the other a anti-histamine and for once I didn't have to use a single kleenex during any of my classes, and today was my long day of school. It's taken 2 years for me to finally be given something that is seeming to work. This allergist was the best, she even told me that something isn't right if my problem hasn't been fixed after all of this time and that she would write the previous doctors I had seen.
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I am so glad you are doing better. I have the exact same symptoms and have been taking allergy shots for a year and a half. I am anxious to find out the name of the perscriptions you were perscribed.

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