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bras & rash

Bras = what is in Lane Bryant bras?
I saw the GMA segment today on Victoria Secret Bras causing a rash..
I would like to know what is in Lane Bryant Bras & where they are made?  Mine is an Underwire = Cacique.  I have a rash.

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I have the six in one (where it can be strapless...) from Lane Bryant and boy let me tell you I have a rash, welts and permanent scarring.  I wonder how many other women are having this issue too?
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I have had a rash on my breasts for months,now. My doctor has treated me with several lotions thinking everything from allergies to ringworm. I first noticed the rash after wearing a bra my daughter bought at Victoria's Secret for me. She worked there for a few months at the beginning of this year. I first noticed after wearing Angel's Embrace, but never put the two,together. When,I don't wear the bras the rash seems to fade a little. When,I wear the bras it brightens and itches. I think, I am going to trash them and have all my friends to stop wearing them,also.
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I used to wear the VS bra's but soon i grew out of them so i moved to Lane Bryant's Bras . I soon started to get rashes and open sores and now i have had them for years. I have scars all over my breasts because of this and no doctors have been able to figure out why my breasts have done this. I have been put on everything from antibiotics to anti fungal creams and nothing works. When i read about the VS lawsuit and the womens claims i instantly thought of sores and maybe other bras also have issues as well.
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I had the same issues w/VS bras, and my friend did w/LB bras.  They are both part of the same company (Victorias Secret, Lane Bryant, Express, Bath and Body Works), so they probably use the same factories for manufacturing and the same chemical treatments.  I tried every variety of VS bra there is and they all gave me pain and rashes, so I quit wearing any of their bras and threw them in the trash, where they belong.
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After watching on tv today the woman with the rash from the Well-Known bra company I'm wondering now if it's not the only bra with that problem. I bought bras from a tv selling station that were highly recommended because it "absorbed" the moisture when you sweated. Well let me tell you that I developed such rashes under both breasts that were EXTREMELY red, itchy, burning and an odor when I would touch that area. After a week and a half I finally went to the doctor. He was amazed on how red the rashes were and gave me a cream. Fortunately after a week it was clearing up. He also recommended a cotton bra. Being big busted I went to the Leggs/Haines outlet store and the girl recommended the Playtex cotton lined bra. A BIG difference has occurred since wearing these bras. Unfortunately I can still see a scar or some kind of "leftover" from these rashes but I'm feeling a lot better now.
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i wear both lane bryant and victoria secretand have had rashes for years        very painful & EMBARASSING
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VS body by victoria no wire made in india. I have three that i started wearing more when my other bras wore out. Intense itching,burning,red scars.
I will never buy from VS again.
I think it is funny when people say wash this way and that. Most of us women know how to choose,wash and wear bras!   Mine were even washed with natural soap. I go without any bra as much as possible.Kind of hard when you have to work. If this was the case(not being VS bras) I would itch from head to toe from my other clothing.
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