1792792 tn?1315355724

Allergy Symptoms or Something More Serious?

So this question isn't about me but my sister... She's 12 years old and the only medical problems she's had is severe astmha from a few years back but that's under control now. I'm posting this question because every time we come to my dad's place her fingers start to swell up, get red and get really itchy. It's weird because it never happens at our place. At first I thought it was the dog but she lived with the dog for six years daily without any of these itchy fingers. As time passes the rest of her body literally breaks out into swollen, red bumps in less than an hour. It always starts with her fingers, then her toes and feet and sometimes it travels to the backs of her knees and her neck. I literally sit there some times and watch her fingers swell up that's how fast it happens.

Is this something to be really worried about? Should I tell my mom to bring her tested? What could possibly be making her fingers so swollen and itchy? I'm asking so my sister can get some relief... The only relief she can get from the itchiness is when she showers or puts them in water but that's only temporarily relief for her and the itchiness and redness comes back in less then an hour.

So I'll repeat her symptoms again:

-swollen, red and itchy fingers
-travels around her body after a few days

Is this an allergic reaction or something more serious? Can it be treated without the help of a doctor or does she need to seek medical attention as soon as possible?
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It definitely does sound like an allergic reaction to something.  What she's breaking out with are probably hives.

Even though she lived with the dog for six years prior, it's still possible the dog has something to do with it.  Has your dad changed the shampoo he uses on the dog or anything that he puts on teh dog?

The other possibility since it only seems to happen when you are at your dad's house is that something else in his house is making your sister sick.  It could be carpeting, bedding, deodorizers/perfumes, cleaners that are being used, etc. -- pretty much anything.

Since it takes such a short amount of time for your sister to start feeling the reaction and it spreads so quickly, this is a severe allergy to something.  The main issue is that every time she's exposed to whatever it is,the reaction could get worse, which could eventually lead to breathing problems, especially with her history of severe asthma.

I hate to say it, and it may be very difficult to do, but I would definitely suggest that your sister NOT go to your dad's house until it can be determined what is causing the reaction.  To continually expose her to whatever it is could have dire consequences.

The other unfortunate thing is that since you don't know what it is that is causing the problem, she's probably going to have to have allergy testing done to see if the doctors can figure out what might be causing it.  Then, hopefully, the culprt can be elmininated from the home.

Meanwhile, if your sister has an "attack" like this, you and your dad may want to try an over the counter antihistamine, such as children's benadryl, to see if it helps - it may not completely get rid of the rash/hives/itchiness, but it may help it from spreading - or at least not as quickly.  She may even want to take some benadryl prior to entering the house when you know you're going to be going there.

Of course, if your sister is on any other medication or under a doctor's care for anything - double check with her doctor before giving her anything!  You certainly don't want a medication interaction on top of everything else!

Best of luck and I hope you can figure this out soon!
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It does look like an allergic reaction. It could be Angioedema, which is swelling of the deeper layers of the skin. The swelling is often severe and is caused by a build-up of fluid. The symptoms of angioedema can affect any part of the body. Many people with angioedema also have another condition called urticaria, which is also known as hives. This is a raised, red and itchy rash that appears on the skin. Angioedema is of four types allergic, idiopathic, drug induced and hereditary. Your sisters reaction seems to be allergy based.

Therapy is based on the cause. Anti histamines from the mainstay of therapy for the symptoms. Antihistamines block the histamine receptors and prevent histamine from acting and thus help in preventing rashes. So, give OTC antihistamines like Benadryl. Oral antihistamines like chlopheneramine and lovatidine are also effective. Give ibuprofen  (Motrin) acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain relief as needed.

Local measures like ice packs and antipruritic lotions are helpful. You can apply mild steroid creams like dermacort on the hives. Also, she can take vitamin C as a supplement. Consult your doctor at the earliest.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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