603223 tn?1220007818

Allergy Symptoms that i face


my name is rahim, i am a textile student, usually the allergy symptoms are not faced by me. I used to study previously late at nights for long hours, but recently for the past 6 months i have been facing this problem that when ever i am out in some place where there is dust or the enviornment is smoky i start to feel its effects later at night or the other day when i wake up. I usually sneeze for almost about 10 - 15 times and with that some watery liquid comes out of my nose. Its neither sticky. Its all transparent and watery. The sneezes cause me dizzyness and pain which goes on to become normal after some time. I have also observed these effects on days when i go without sleeping for long hours like 24 to 36 hours.
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
Hello rahim,

It is often seen that allergic rhinitis or hay fever is not curable on the whole.

It occurs as a result of a hypersensitivity response of the nose to materials called allergens. Common allergens include pollen, dust, house dust mite, animal danders (cat, dog, rodent, horse) and mould.You cannot eliminate all the allergens from your environment but you can identify the allergens to which you are allergic by skin ***** tests or blood test like RAST.In this a small amount of allergen is introduced in the skin of the forearm and the response of the skin is observed.If there is any redness,then that person is allergic to that allergen.

Treatment involves avoidance of the allergen.I am forwarding you a link which you will find useful: http://www.hk-doctor.com/health_article/html/Allergic%20Rhinitis_E.htm

There is nothing mentioned about the ways of avoidance of pollens in this link.So I am describing them to you. Remain indoors when the outdoor pollen levels are highest like windy days. You can also use a pollen and dust mask. Use a clothes dryer instead of hanging the wash outside, where it acts as a filter trap for pollen. Make sure to clean and replace your air conditioner and air cleaner filters regularly. Also effective are various types of air-filtering devices, which can be added to the heating and cooling systems in the home.

Hope it helps.Take care and regards.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Hello Rahim,

It seems that you are having hay fever or allergic rhinitis.
Allergic rhinitis is a collection of symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes, caused by airborne particles of dust, dander, or plant pollens in people who are allergic to these substances.

When a person with allergies breathes in an allergen such as pollen or dust, antibodies are produced. When the antibodies are stimulated by pollen and dust, histamine and other chemicals are released. This causes itching, swelling, and mucus production.
The main treatment is avoidance of the allergen.

You can also take over the counter antihistaminics like benadryl or Claritin. Longer-acting antihistamines are available by prescription. They cause less drowsiness and can work just as well. These medications include fexofenadine (Allegra), and cetirizine (Zyrtec).

You can also use nasal corticosteroid sprays like nasocort or flonase. Decongestants may also be helpful in reducing symptoms such as nasal congestion, but they should not be used for long periods. Cromolyn sodium is a nasal spray (Nasalcrom) for treating hay fever. Eye drop versions of cromolyn sodium and antihistamines are available for itchy, bloodshot eyes.

If the symptoms are intense then you can go in for immunotherapy.For this you have to consult an allergy specialist.
Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep us posted on how you are doing.

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