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Allergy or Rash????

I have tiny red rashes on my arms, hands and legs. I have been sufering from this 6 days ago and i didnt bite by any insects. The symptoms are
- not itchy and not painful
- a bit bumpy and not localised.  
- no blister and no yellowish.
- No sore throat, no fever.
- My body is itching (For sure, its not caused by rash and my body have started itching last 10 days ago).

FYI, I have very small blisters on my face. I thought it was pimple and I pinched it out and only fluid come out.

I have consulted doctor yesterday and they only gave me a cream to be applied and gave me Ceritizin (10mg). When Im consuming Ceritizin, my body starts itchy. Is it caused by allergic reaction like environment (bed etc) etc, chemical, food? Can u elaborate more in detail?? Any treatment for this rash?

Do reply soonest possible. Many thanks....
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Wanna add up here.. My family is allergic with penicillin and Im not. I only had body itching (no rashes) last few months ago and it was recovered. On top of that, due to my body disease (had recovered), I admitted I had taken antibiotic such as amocylin and so on. FYI, i don't have any allergic (like present) before except only for this time. Im confusing that whether my body itching and red rashes is caused by allergic or not.. Please advise....

Many thanks....
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1386405 tn?1291587800
poison ivy maybe
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Dear doctors, what do you all think? please help me to clear my doubt....

Worries... tq...
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