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Should people be retested to see if they developed new allergies?

I have not been completely cured from my allergies and wondering if new allergies pop up? My last test was 12 months ago.
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Yes, you should get retested..and think about environmental sensitivities as well.
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As a person prone to allergies, yes new allergies can pop up.You don't specifically have to test for it. Just take precautionary measures and visit your doctor only if you experience allergic symptoms like skin rashes, breathing difficulties, itching etc.
Allergy triggers, also known as allergens, are substances that cause allergic reactions.
Allergy triggers cause a range of reactions from mild reactions to life threatening anaphylactic shock
Common non-food allergy triggers: Mold, dust mites, pollen, pet dander
8 major food allergens according to FALCPA: eggs, milk, fish,shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, food additives
Poison ivy is a common allergen to many people
Allergic individuals: Take precautions to avoid allergy triggers .
It is important to find what your triggers are and avoid them if at all possible. It is important to allergy proof your home as that is where you spend the majority of your time. Taking the time to get rid of dust mites and molds will make a big difference in controlling your allergy.
Hope you find this information useful.
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