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Allergy symptoms and allergy testing

Hi all, I've been on these forums for several months and have been dealing with what I thought was chronic sinusitis.  To recap: I had sore throats and ear aches in May, and after the colds went away a nasty dizziness stayed.  At first tests showed nothing but in September I was diagnosed with sinusitis.  One round of antibiotics I felt great for a few weeks.

In October symptoms returned.  Since then I've been on two rounds of antibiotics which helped the dizziness immensely, but didn't completely get rid of my symptoms

A few days ago I went to an ENT.  After more tests he's determined I do NOT have sinusitis.  He thinks I might have an ear problem or possibly allergies.  

Are these symptoms possibly allergies?   They are pain and pressure in my cheekbones and face, drainage especially in my throat, occasional earaches, sneezing fits, tingling in the nose, some wooziness and even face numbness.  The only "new" symptom is my left eye has a lot of watering and stickiness.

Also, what can I expect with allergy testing?  I've never been tested for allergies and don't know the first thing about the testing procedure.
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Just wanted to let you all know how thankful I am to a certain company that I won't mention that sells air purifiers.  I have had allergies all my life and in the last three months I have been able to completely get off of all of my medications. I have tried nearly everything out there to alleviate my allergies: medications, acupuncture, meditation, visualization, and almost every air purifier on the market, they all worked to a certain degree but it wasn't until I found by accident that my life has completely changed....
To you all there is a light at the end of the tunnel....I am free....yes...
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179332 tn?1273247359
p.s. I meant to mention that ALL YOUR SYMPTOMS are EXACTLY what I go through on a daily basis!!!!!! I've just been thru the first rounds of allergy testing too... I even had a CT scan and sinus scope... I feel for you - as all my pain is on the 'left' side of my face... I now take benedryl once in the morning and once at night if I feel my ear starting to hurt and astelin spray (nasal) twice a day... I used to take Aleve Cold and Sinus daily as that seemed to clear everything up fast!  I have to stay away from decongestants until they find out what I am allergic to in my BP meds so, no more aleve. I also started taking odorless garlic twice a day and since I drink tea a lot - I've been adding local honey to the tea - they say if you ingest honey from a local area producer that can lessen your allergies because you ingest the pollens the bees gather that are native to your area and you end up building up a small resistance to some pollens which help in Spring time... Hope you  feel better FAST!!
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179332 tn?1273247359
...I thought all my 'symptoms' were seasonal allergies but, turns out - I am allergic to an ingredient in my Blood Pressure meds!! I was on Benicar that gave me such Vertigo, ear pain, ear fullness and heart palps -  that I swore I was heading for a heart attack!! I kept thinking it was all allergies to seasonal stuff...no one EVER suggested I could be reacting to my BP meds!!!!  I ran accross an article on the bad reactions of Benicar by pure chance! Forums like this really can help!  I am off all BP meds and on the 'mend'...!!!!!!!
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It is depressing.  It just keeps going and nothing completely gets rid of it.  I wouldn't be surprised if this year is worse, because I've had allergies and sinus problems for my whole life but never like this.  And the symptoms keep changing, too.  For weeks I couldn't blow my nose, even if I felt like it, but now I'm blowing my nose constantly and having sneezing fits several times a day.

These are the OTC things I've tried so far: nasal rinses, which have been good.  I like the NeilMed bottle and Simply Saline the best.  A humidifier at night has helped, also.  If my throat gets scratchy Halls Defense Vitamin C drops really work.  4 Way makes a saline & menthol & eucalyptus spray which makes my nose feel better, but I don't know if it does anything else.  

I've tried Mucinex (guaifenesin) but it didn't help me much, and it ended up giving me the shakes and upset stomach really bad.  I can't take pseudoephedrine, so I haven't taken anything like Sudafed.  I stay away from caffeine and try to remain hydrated, and I take zinc and a multi-vitamin daily.

Hope everyone keeps us updated on what they find out!  The more the merrier.
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Wonder if this year was worse....or it just seems that way because we have this forum and know how many people are suffering.  If there's something going around you can be sure I'll get it.  I had body aching and chills last night until about 2:00 a.m., then it went away.  Don't know what that's about.  But with this cold, dry air, even with the humidifier on I am stopped up and inside my nose is dry to the point I blow blood out.  I guess even the meds can't cure it all.  I've also got the back of the head aching, and my face a little.  It is depressing.
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It's good to know the face pain CAN be from the allergies.  I'm really hoping that's what this is, I'd like to have some relief.

I've had seasonal allergies for many years.  I can't take pseudoephedrine because of my blood pressure, and my doc told me to stop taking Benadryl because it dried out my sinuses too much and that can cause infections.

But since the ENT said this might be allergies I took a Benadryl last night and I swear it made me feel better.  Between that and the humidifier in the bedroom I'm already starting to improve.  It's kind of irritating that it took 3 doctors to even suggest allergies but better late than never I guess.
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I had the allergy testing.  I did not feel anything.  I had no swelling or itching at the site that I could see, just a tiny bump like where she stuck the needle, which again I did not feel.  Then the allergist came back and said I had severe allergies to dust mites, etc., which I guess they know what they're doing.  I had all the facial pain, pressure, right ear only pain, dizziness, etc.  The ENT had diagnosed non allergic rhinitis with all these symptoms plus fatigue.  Steroids got me up...Singulair and NasalCort are helping tremendously and keeping me going.  They said it's up to me if I want the shots.
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Yes, both my ENT and allergist told me that allergies can mimic sinus infections and it is difficult to tell the difference.  I get the headaches and facial pain and ear problems as well.  Have you had a CT scan?
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Thanks for the info on how allergies are tested.  

Do you think allergies could be responsible for face pain and ears filling up?  I've looked online and can't find any sites that say facial pain and pressure in the cheekbones is an allergy symptom.  I'll ask the ENT when I go in next week but I'm really surprised that he said I don't have a sinus infection, and I'm at a loss as to what might be wrong with me.
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This sounds exactly like allergies to me.  Allergies can mimic sinusitits and it can be difficult to tell the difference.  Find a good allergist to try and solve the problem.  As far as allergy shots, they are annoying, but not really painful.  They ***** your skin with small needles dipped in allergic substances on your arms and back.  They also ***** you with histamine as a control.  They mark the sites to tell which allergen it is and wait to see how you react.  If you do react, you have an allergy and it will swell, turn red and itch.  If there is no reaction, there is no allergy.  Then they spray a cortizone type stuff on you to help with the itching reaction.  Allergy meds might help your symptoms a lot.
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