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severe seasonal allergies

Hello. I have been suffering from the worst seasonal allergies in my life this year. I have itchy watery eyes, nasal congestion, and scratchy throat. I haven't been sleeping well at night for the past 3 weeks because of the nasal congestion and have been waking up with a nasty dry mouth in the morning. I have tried benadryl, claritin 24 hrs tablets, zyrtec (also 24 hr tablet), nasal spray (some kind of anticholinergic solution), Singulair and phenylephrine so far. Benadryl doesn't really work for me anymore and claritin and zyrtec are effective for only half the day. I took 2 tablets one day (about 4 hrs apart) and became very drowsy and felt like I was in a fog the whole day. My nose had a bad reaction to the nasal spray the one time I tried it - it became very congested and I was sneezing for an hour. I have been taking Singulair (prescribed by my PMD) for the past week and it has helped a little but not as much as I expected (Still congested at night). Also, I haven't been able to wear my contact lenses for the past 3 weeks. At first it was because of itchy eyes but now they're just very dry. I also have dry mouth and very mild urinary retention in the morning (takes long to urinate in the morning), which I assume are side effects from my overdosing on medications. So, my question is, would it be worth it to go see an allergist or do I have to suffer until the end of allergy season? I feel like I have tried all classes of medications available.  
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I suggest you schedule an appointment with your allergy specialist and get a proper clinical examination done.

It would definitely help to find out the cause of your symptoms and also the further plan of management can be decided accordingly.

Let us know about how you are doing, if you need any other information and post us about what the allergy specialist advises.

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I haven't had a chance to schedule an appointment with an allergist yet. However, my symptoms are better now after taking Singulair and Claritin regularly for the past 3 weeks. I will try to see an allergist as soon as school ends. Thanks for your advice.
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Glad the post was of some help to you .

You should continue taking the medications for your symptoms, and do follow up with your allergy specialist.

Let us know about how you are doing and what your doctor advises.

Post us if you have any other doubts.

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I have had seasonal allergies for the last 20 years and have found allergists to be helpful in providing info. but it is all info you can get on line.  And of course they're willing to give lots of meds for your allergies which all have their own side affects.
Keeping your exposure to allergens to a minimum is of course the first step.  Out door allergens are at their peak in the morning.  Pets that go outside are big transporters of pollens and can be improved by regular combing (hopefully by someone without allergies)  Showering off the pollens help, I find especially at night so you don't take them to bed with you. Daily nasal rinses are invaluable to get the pollens out of your sinuses.
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