526737 tn?1212528768

Always sick...every 3 weeks? whats wrong?

Since January i have been sick every 3 weeks. I have been to ENT, Pulminary doctor, had MRI of lungs and Sinus, did the breathing test for asthma and had a TBI test. I constantly have had a cough for over a year and a half. It seams like every three weeks, my lymph nodes on the left side of my neck get really swollen (this is new to me this year). I dont have a temperature. I just get really stuffed up, tired, my cough get worse, sore throat, chest congested but nothing really comes up. Even went out of my house for a week on vacation..and got sick in that environment. SO, what could this be? What is causing my immune system to be so low that i have to go on antibiotics every 3 to 4 weeks? I had a HIV test ...it came back Neg. I took a allergy blood test and that came back NEG. Is this allergies? Do i need a scratch test?
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Since you got sick even when you were out of your usual environment I think your immunity would be low.Your body resistance to combat infection is low.
Stress is a major factor that lowers immunity.Is your schedule so busy that you dont have a couple of hours to relax and unwind?
Also not eating nutritious food and inadequate sleep could have the same effect.
So if you can identify with any of the above you need to consider changing your life- style to be more healthy.
If not maybe these are allergic episodes to some unknown allergen.
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Some lab tests you may want to discuss with your physician:

IgA level
EBV titer



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526737 tn?1212528768
I have a relaxed live style. I eat very well and work out and sleep plenty since i work from home and for myself. Tony
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526737 tn?1212528768
I have a relaxed life style. I eat very well and work out and sleep plenty since i work from home and for myself. Tony
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Did you ever get a solution to this?????
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