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Anybody tried kenalog for allergic rhinitis?


I've had allergic rhinitis for many years now and have been consistently fobbed off by the doctors. Have tried all the antihistamines, nasal sprays and eye drops, and the only thing that's been successful is the eyedrops for controlling itchy eyes! I have a constantly dripping nose, sneezing, itchy eyes/ears/back of throat and have recently starting getting incredibly itchy rashes on my body (mainly my legs)

I was even told there's no point getting tested to see what I'm allergic to as it'm impossible to completely avoid the allergen(s).

However, it seems to be getting worse and worse and I'm at the point now where I'm pretty much completely incapacitated. Have started getting itchy rashes on my body and my itchy throat/ears are unbearable. I've heard that the NHS no longer administer the allergy injections, so I'm going to try my new doctors on monday just to double check, then otherwise go private for injection.

Has anybody else had any experiences on kenalog? I'm worried about the cost as I'll need the injections all year round, not just for the hayfever season!

Many thanks,

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Have your Dr.s every suggested Xolair injections. OMG they helped me so much. In laymans terms it catches all those pesky allergens in your blood stream that make you react. Then flushes them out through your kidneys. Hope this helps ask a lot of questions.
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No but I'll mention it to them as I'm going tomorrow in a last ditch attempt before I go private!x
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