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Are crusty gunky eyes allergies

My little one has been waking up this week with dry crust around his one eye and sometimes a little goop in the corner of his eye. His eyes are not even a little bit pink. They are a bit swollen underneath. Could this be allergy related? He has been having a runny nose too.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I also have itchy sore eyes and sneezing, ruunny nose and head aches ..every morning for months so does my dh , I get rashes as do many.we are sure  its the chem trails bombarding us with toxins , yes they have proved its chemicals they are spraying look up at the skies when you get up and do some research they have tested the ground water and the soil ..all true, there are lists of the chemicals...
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The swollen eyes might be due conjunctivitis which is inflammation of the thin transparent membrane which covers the eyes. Conjunctivitis can be caused by infections and noninfectious conditions.  Infections can be due to viral, bacterial and chlamydial. Non infectious causes are allergies, chemicals and injury. The water could have carried the infection or the allergen. Sometimes swollen eyes can occur with other inflammations or infections of other parts of the eye like iris, cornea, lens etc. It's important that an element of injury needs to be ruled out so he will need to consult your primary care physician for further evaluation.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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