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Are my allergies causing my ear symptoms?

I am a 25 year old woman with fairly severe allergies to just about all the usual suspects. I recently came down with what appeared to be an ear infection- the first one in my life. I was prescribed antibiotics (allergic to penicillin, so I was given erythromyacin) the eyrthromyacin failed  to work after about 10 days, so I was given biaxin, which failed at which time my eardrum ruptured and I was given cipro, and I had to discontinue do to adverse effects. The ear was still plugged and causing severe sharp pain. After 54 days the pain subsided. 1 month later, its back. I was convinced it was due to my allergies causing a back up in my sinuses (although I wasn't feeling any sinus symptoms) so I took the following: Sudaphed(the real kind), Omnaris, Prednisone 10mg, Zyrtec, and Afrin for 3 days. The ear has continued to worsen. I have seen an ENT and he says he sees nothing with the ear and I am at a loss. What do I do? Is this allergies?
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1303145 tn?1273061395
i had a friend who took allergy med's a lot for years and developed tinnitus, the doc said you can get ear problems when you take excessive allergy med's.  i have always had really bad allergies growing up. i took the test on your back where they ***** you 200 times with a needle and my back turned in to one big red bump instead of a few small ones...he said i was special :)  
i had shots twice a week for about 4 years to get immune but never really got them all.  i quit taking allergy pills years ago and my allergies have almost dissappeared.....but thats just me.
i always say too much of anything is not good for you
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I got a second opinion from another ENT. So glad I did because he was able to see tons of fluid behind my ear, and sent me to the Audiologist in the office there. They tested my hearing, it was terrible. I had some sort of anomaly on the tempanography test and neither the ENT or audiologist could explain it... I also had an endoscopy and the doc saw that I had enlarged adenoids, which could be causing some issues. I ended up having a myringotomy on Wednesday the 12th and I am sorta kinda feeling better, but cant hear at all in that ear considering the sliced open my ear drum. I also have tons of pain in the morning when I wake up and first move my jaw. I also just got retested for allergies. I was allergic to 51 out of 51 things- haha! I knew it was bad, but didn't think it was THAT bad. I ordered the serum and will begin an accelerated shot schedule in the next few weeks. I am hoping the accelerated allergy shots will help reduce my adenoids and therefore my help my ear. I am hoping to avoid an adenoidectomy. Does anyone know if this intense pain in the morning in my jaw area is normal? Its been a few days and everything I read says that I should be mainly pain free. I also still have a lump( maybe a swollen gland) directly under my earlobe, which hurts to the touch. Again.. never had a fever and no antibiotics have ever helped.
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