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Autoimmune encephalopathy

Can you explain how thyroid antibodies can become "directed at" th CNS?  

I have a history of Grave's disease, and had a thyroidectomy 10 or 12 years ago, and now my thyroid peroxidase antibodies are elevated and my neurologist believes that has resulted in the CNS changes that have developed. I'm trying to understand the mechanism for this.
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Thanks for the information; I surfed around in there for awhile and found an article that basically says, once your thyroid is gone, the antibodies gradually disappear...I always have to be different (sigh...).  Autoimmunity is such a weird animal!
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There is a site called allthyroid.org that researches Thyroid related disorders.  They have tons of info on this organ and it's diseases.  They even have a phone number where you can call and talk with a researcher it you like.  Good luck
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