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BAX 3000?

Has anyone tried BAX 3000 for allergies and sinus problems? My chiropractor now has this for treatment of many issues. Insurance does not cover any of the cost. I was windering if anyone has used this treatment for any kind of issues, what were your results, was it worth the cost, etc???

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I have been using he the BAX 3000 and BAX Aura for 8 years. I have successfully used for allergies. Once the person has completed the first step to detox, I have used to help my body have better thyroid support.  I am currently working on blood sugar. I take natural supplements for thyroid and blood sugar. I get blood tests every six months, metabolic panel, Thyroid panel and TSH3 and TSH4. I see a chiropractor for these treatments.
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I have been using the Bax-3000 for a while now.  I have been getting great results with it.  I have had a number of patients with sinus problems clear up with the treatment.  The biggest question I get is once the symptoms are gone, how often does the therapy need to be repeated.  This question comes from our "medical mindset".  We are so used to treating symptoms.  Once a drug wears off, the drug needs to be adminstered because nothing in your body has changed.  You are still reacting to your environment.  What the Bax-3000 does is "reprogram" your nervous system therby not reacting to your environment.  The treatment will cause long term postive changes.
***@**** for further questions
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