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Bactrim DS for 8 days.............here are my symptoms

First off,  thanks to anyone who volunteers an answer.

On 3/22 I had a recurrent perineal abscess rupture and went to the doc. I had a low grade (99.2ish) fever and my left inguinal lymph node was slightly swollen and tender. I attributed this to the infection I had.

He looked at it and said it didnt need to be lanced. He also wasn't too concerned with the low fever and lymph nodes. He prescribed Bactrim DS (I was given the generic form) for 10 days.

I dutifully took the pills 2x a day. The entire time I had a low grade fever.  On the 25th I few to Vegas. While there I developed low back pain, continued low grade fever and pain with eye movement.

On 3/28, while flying home my fever spiked at 101.6 and I had the chills.  Got home, took my pill and went to bed.  I woke at 1am with rigors and was FREEZING!  Didn't take my temp but got another blaknet for the bed and went to sleep.

On 3/30 I woke still feverish and slightly chilled.  I took my pill and a couple hours later took a shower.  When I got out of the shower I notcied a rash developing on the back/side of my arms and faintly on my abdomen knees and lower legs.  I still had the pain with eye movement. I flipped and went to the doc.  I was running 100 fever. Doc said that the rash didn't look to be a reaction but told me to stop the Bactrim anyway. He prescribed Clindamycin "to have around in case the abscess returns) and Prednisone.

Later that evening I had to fly. I wasn't feelin great but did anyway. Still running a low fever.  At the airport while waiting I noticed my tongue was white and brushed the snot outta it. I hadn't eaten in more than 24 hrs and that meal was small due to my anxiety.

3/31 I wake up feeling much better but still have the rash. No fever and my eyes are less painful

4/1 I wake up feeling good, no fever, eyes less painful but still had the rash. Tongue still white-ish

4/2 I wake up feeling good, no fever, eyes fine, still had rash, still have thrush.  By this time I'm horrified I have HIV. (thats posted in another forum)

4/3 I wake feeling good, anxiety through the roof, no fever, still have the rash.  I go get blood drawn for an HIV test. Still have thrush. I start the prednisone.

Today  Feel fine aside from some lower back pain.  I'm still pretty anxious and still have thrush. Rash appears slightly better, still taking the prednisone.

I assume this is an allergic reaction to Sulfa.  My question is, would I have thrush after 8 days on it plus being fatigued from work?

3 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Glad things are working out better for you.
Prednisone is a nasty drug and personally I would refuse taking it for anything.
But that's me. Perhaps I suffer from Pharmacophobia! lol!

Did you ever try "Oil Pulling"? I do this daily b4 breakfast.
Look it up! With evco it's great, specially for thrush, fungal, viral,toxic and bacterial issues in the oral cavity. O/P gets rid of those nasty pathogens and substances b4 they get in our bods.
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Thank you for your reply Niko.  After my other thread and much more reading my anxiety level has reduced to near zero.  I've been doing salt water rinses, brushing 3x a day and eating yogurt.  In my Dr.'s defense I didnt notice the mild thrush until after he had prescribed the prednisone.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey Spooked26.
Welcome to the forum.
The answer is Yes. Your symptoms are consistent with common Sulfa
allergy and side-effects.
You should NOT have been prescribed Prednisone.
Your thrush is a symptom of a fungal infection, one of the most common side effects of antibiotic treatment. The antibiotics compromise the healthy bacterial flora balance,resulting in lowered immune function.
Prednisone is an immuno-suppressive drug, rendering the body
weaker to respond efficiently and timely to routine matters.
My suggestion is to take high quality prebiotics and probiotics,
multi human strain, 50 million cells +, ( I buy here in Canada Progressive Nutritionals' symbiotic kit , if you wish to use this as a reference )
and follow an antifungal diet (extra virgin coconut oil is a great antifungal agent- more details at the coconut research center website).
And distress. Listen to meditation CDs before bedtime.
Do conscious deep breathing. Take nature walks, sit under a tree and
...do nothing! Have lunch at the park. Don't forget to enjoy the small things in life. LIVE-LOVE-LAUGH!

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