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Benadryl dangers?

I get horrible hives, and have since I can remember. My early childhood days were spent in ice baths, continuously downing dimatap, and trips to the ER due to my throat closing off.  I got scratch tested then, but my allergies have changes in my adulthood.  I currently take atarax for my hives and it works great, but I am helpless without it! My current dr/insurance is all wacked out, and I am out of my presciption and wont get any for some time.

In the mean time, benadryl is the ONLY thing that keeps the hives at bay, even though they still appear.  But the problem is that i'm taking 1-2 pills every few hours, ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT.  I'm tired, scatterbrained, and itchy, nervous and twitchy all day.  I have a hard time concentrating, forming sentences, and drowsy all day.

It's just hard to chose between the two: Have my eyes swollen shut, itchy, painful hives all over, and being ashamed to go out in public- or to be tired and pretty much mentally useless all day.

I just don't know what to do to curb my hives.  And what are the effects of taking benadryl all day, every day? HELP!

...I am misrable...
3 Responses
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918441 tn?1243403649
I know you are not suppose to take benedryl that much that often. Have you talked to a doctor? There might be something you can take. Have you been allergy tested? You could very well be allergic to something you touch or eat even. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get tested so you know what to stay away from.
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This response may be a bit late. I recently became allergic to something... still dont know what, where I forst got tiny mosquito bite-like hives everywhere which progressed to football sized hives which progressed to swelling of my face and hands.... My miracle drug is Zyrtec... and now they have it OTC which is great, its more expensive than my prescription copay but much more convienient... hope this helps
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I just started to get hives, have had them for 1.5 months.  I took Zytrec for the first time just today.  It took the hives away completely.   I am really happy about this.

How long have you taken Zyrtec?  Any bad expereince with it?  I was taking Benedryl 4x a day, b ut it only worked so-so.
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