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Rash In My Hip

Hi. I'm not sure if this is an allergy. 2-3 weeks ago, I started to have a rash in my right hip. I am not sure what is causing it.

I am not sure if this is caused it. Before the rash, i was playing basketball and i bump my right hip to a cement wall and it hurt for around 1 week.

Please help me so it doesn't get worse. I havent been to the doctors yet.
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This could be due to some allergic reaction or bacterial infection/ fungal infection or dermatitis or eczema, etc.

Nothing can be said with surety without having a look at the lesions.

It would be best to consult a doctor about the symptoms if they do not resolve and get a proper clinical examination.

Keep the area clean and wear clothes washed in a few drops of chlorhexidine preferably and dried in the sun.Maintain good personal hygiene and wear lose comfortable clothes.

Apply calamine lotion at the sites ,and take oral antihistamine medications like loratadine or cetrizine for the itching.

Let us know about what your doctor advises and how you are doing.

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Well im not sure if this help but i get bumps
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You could take some oral antihistamine or anti-allergic medications like loratadine or cetrizine.

It would be best to consult your doctor and get a detailed clinical examination got done.

Let us know about how you are doing and post us if you have any other doubts.

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