675923 tn?1296238011

Burning sensation in chest and throat

Suffering from spring time allergies is not new for me. I have dry itchy eyes, runny nose, headache and sometimes a scratchy throat. This year I am experiencing a burning sensation in my lungs and throat along with shortness of breath. Has anyone else had this experience? I am thinking that this is a new symptom of allergies OR asthma. I have never been diagnosed with asthma. I quit smoking three months ago but did not experience these symptoms even while smoking. Thank you in advance for your comments.

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I'm going to be blunt about this, DONT SMOKE AGAIN!!!!
First I need to know how long you have been sparking up on cigs and second, this could be anything from chest congestion to emphysema, or anxiety, since i am a professional anxiety sufferer in my attacks i get Shortness of breath, cold, dizzy, and an extreme rush if fear, which i found now very EXCITING!, I look forward to my panic attacks now, its like riding a roller coaster, anyway lets be on the real side of this, you probably have some bronchiospasms  that can usually be fixed with nitroglycerin, and that means your airways are tightening up, now if its emphysema, which is inoperable damage, i like to usually say to smokers with this problem "way to go, you destroyed your lungs" and a dramatic clap at the end, sorry im such a jerk, but these are a few problems you may have, see a doctor... thats all i have to say

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As you have a prior history of smoking,so I would suggest that you get it evaluated from a chest physician and allergist.Three possibilities are there.It can be allergic rhinitis,asthma(mild to moderate) or any other lung pathology.

Skin and blood tests like RAST for allergy,pulmonary function tests and CT lungs may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.Treatment is diagnosis specific.

Hope it helps. Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries. Kind regards.

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