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Butt Itching

I am suffering of Butt Itching since last 4-5 years. Many creams and tablets I have used but still it has not been controlled. So what may be the real cause for that and what should I do?
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351246 tn?1379682132

Welcome to the MedHelp forum!
Worms are usually the cause of anal itch. Itchy anus can also be due to undigested food like citrus fruits, grapes, certain spices, tomatoes, certain medicines like antibiotics and laxatives and certain drinks like beer, milk, tea, or coffee. Anal fissures, hemorrhoids, threadworms can all cause anal itch. Itch can also be due to irritants like synthetic fiber, toiletries or fungal infection.
If the itch is on the buttocks then causes like pressure urticaria, dermatitis, fungal infection, eczema, psoriasis and very dry skin should be ruled out.
Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Do consult your doctor. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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Hi for the last few night I have had a very mild itch at the upper part of my butt, I haven't put any creams or anything on it but it's itching haven't gotten worse itches about the same everytime but the weird thing is it's only at night WHAT COULD IT BE thanks
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Hi for the last few night I have had a very mild itch at the upper part of my butt, I haven't put any creams or anything on it but it's itching haven't gotten worse itches about the same everytime but the weird thing is it's only at night WHAT COULD IT BE thanks
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Im 21 yrs old female im itching at night times in my butt crack idk what to do cant afford to go to the dr what can i do it feels like if i wipe alots what can i use to treat at home ..
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