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Anxiety,Depression, Fatigue, and facial pain from allergies/Sinus

Hi everyone, Ive been viewing this forum for about 2 months now reading all the differnt links that relate to my condition. I have decided to share my feelings as well.

I Have had allergy/sinus problems for years but not until recently (these last 2 years) have my condition ever been this bad. It's really taking a hold of my life, I have severe fatigue and body aches all over my body, and i hardly ever have any energy. I can barely make it to school and back and I can barely do my job. I have been down so much these past 2 years with depression symptoms and axiety symptoms. Also me and my girlfreind think I have a possible OCD disorder from these allergies/sinus, when i feel fine which is rare I dont have any anxiety, depression or OCD problems(which makes me believe that my depression/anxiety/OCD is related to allergies/Sinus). My life is suffering dramaticaly from these problems, I really need to find some help very soon.

I currently get allergy shots twice a week. I have been been to an ENT and had a CT scan on my sinuses which the radioligst said that everything looked fine. My ENT doctor said that my problems are prolly caused from allergies. My allergist found that I am highly allergic to grass,trees,rageweed,dust/dustmites and mildly allergic to cats.

I am willing to keep posting information so we all can help each other to get out of this situation.
9 Responses
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726784 tn?1301815302
thanks for all your replies =]

see this all started 2 years ago
my anxiety comes .. stays for a while then goes away for a few months and comes back sometimes so randomly tor for a minute or two in months difference .. for no reason that's why I keep thinking it's not anxiety because it comes and goes weirdly and I don't know why .. usually when people have anxiety they always have it but I don't ...

this is really confusing, anxiety ***** big time and mine came back 2 days ago :( I feel like crap .. I haven't had it for months and I was great and now this...
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I was recently found to have pyroluria and histadelia which lead to high levels of histamine(lots of allergy /sinus/digestive problems )as well as stress and exhaustion.I was diagnosed by the Pfeiffer Research Institute. Treatment is completely natural, vitamins and minerals,and I am happy to report that it is completely effective. Sorry I am unable to supply links as I am a net novice. Hope you find this useful.
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I'm sorry you are having a such a difficult time.

Having anxiety can often lead to more anxiety. The mere thought of having an anxiety attack can lead to one.

Please try to treat to yourself with as much care as possible.

Eat healthy, proper rest, stay hydrated and learn to meditate. Next I would suggest Cognitive Therapy. Usually only a few trips to a cognitive therapist are all that are needed, and then you  can practice the methods on your own. Cognitive therapy has been proven to be much more productive/helpful than anti-depressants in the long run.
In regard to your mother and her issues. One learns behavior and coping mechanisms from those around them e.g. you parents. It could be very likely that you have learned the same coping skills/mechanisms that your mother uses (which apparently cause anxiety). Cognitive therapy would be good for learning how to reorganize your thoughts and learn new coping skills.

Some people consider life and death more than others. Don't let your fear of dying/death take over your mind. Engage your mind and time in pursuits that leave you feeling better. For example, television is a really awful contraption on so many levels; not only is it a major time waster, but studies have proven that people who watch a great deal of television are more likely to be depressed and experience anxiety.

I know trying to find the energy or desire to DO things that are life enhancing seems impossible when you are feeling awful, being ruled by anxiety, and/or you are torturing yourself with thoughts of dying, but hang in there. Things will turn around because you have made them turn around.
Please give cognitive therapy a try. I think you will find even one session well worth your time and money.

p.s. Anxiety is a strange, shape-shifting beast. It can cause a myriad of symptoms that mimic other diseases. If all your tests have come back clear, take those tests, hug them and have a party. You are going to be o.k.!! :)

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726784 tn?1301815302
Last year I started having really bad swallowing problems and it lasted 2 weeks. I went to my doctor and she said it was to do with my sinuses. I got a nose spray which helped and then my swallowing had improved but only for a few days. Throughout all this I had been moody and not my self.

I had a blood test done and my doctor said she will call me the next day to tell me what it said. That is when my problem started she never ended up calling and I started wondering "what if I have cancer, what if this.. that ..etc"
From that day I got all the anxiety symptoms and would just be scared of dying CONSTANTLY.

It's been happening for 5 months now and I just do no want to settle with anxiety. I had 3 more blood tests and more visitis to that doctor and another one for a second opinion.   Seeing as all my tests came back they just tell me it's anxiety but why. I mean I was never like this it's just not me.

My mum has it but she got is as a result of living in the war and all. and my doctor said I can't get it from her. She also has depression. I've never given any thought to dying before like if I think of it once it jsut goes away after a minute but now it's like always in mind and I hate it. I know everyone is scared and gonna die one day but why can't I stop myself from thinking of it ??

My symptoms are:

yellow nails
chest pain (but near my ribs)
Eye budging
stuffy nose (had a tissues with me at ALL times fro as long as I can remember)
interested in things I like
frequent toilet trips
face pains expesh when leaning forwards

and moreee I can't think of right now....

I even had an liver X-Ray and went to an eye doctor and they said I'm all good.

My doctor is so confusing. First she said it anxiety then she says it ain't . =S

well my mum also has bad sinuses which she was meant to get operated but did not...

I just really want it to be something other then anxity I am only 17 and do not want this for the rewst of my life I had enough in 5 months and would not wish this on anyone.
It's so sad that so many people go through this and worse.

so what other things can this be ??
and did anyone ever get told its anxiety and then found out it is not and it was something else causing it ?

help would be greatly appreciated

thank youu
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726784 tn?1301815302
Last year I started having really bad swallowing problems and it lasted 2 weeks. I went to my doctor and she said it was to do with my sinuses. I got a nose spray which helped and then my swallowing had improved but only for a few days. Throughout all this I had been moody and not my self.

I had a blood test done and my doctor said she will call me the next day to tell me what it said. That is when my problem started she never ended up calling and I started wondering "what if I have cancer, what if this.. that ..etc"
From that day I got all the anxiety symptoms and would just be scared of dying CONSTANTLY.

It's been happening for 5 months now and I just do no want to settle with anxiety. I had 3 more blood tests and more visitis to that doctor and another one for a second opinion.   Seeing as all my tests came back they just tell me it's anxiety but why. I mean I was never like this it's just not me.

My mum has it but she got is as a result of living in the war and all. and my doctor said I can't get it from her. She also has depression. I've never given any thought to dying before like if I think of it once it jsut goes away after a minute but now it's like always in mind and I hate it. I know everyone is scared and gonna die one day but why can't I stop myself from thinking of it ??

My symptoms are:

yellow nails
chest pain (but near my ribs)
Eye budging
stuffy nose (had a tissues with me at ALL times fro as long as I can remember)
interested in things I like
frequent toilet trips
face pains expesh when leaning forwards

and moreee I can't think of right now....

I even had an liver X-Ray and went to an eye doctor and they said I'm all good.

My doctor is so confusing. First she said it anxiety then she says it ain't . =S

well my mum also has bad sinuses which she was meant to get operated but did not...

I just really want it to be something other then anxity I am only 17 and do not want this for the rewst of my life I had enough in 5 months and would not wish this on anyone.
It's so sad that so many people go through this and worse.

so what other things can this be ??
and did anyone ever get told its anxiety and then found out it is not and it was something else causing it ?

help would be greatly appreciated

thank youu
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I would agree to consider seeing a Homeopathic doctor, one thing you will not find though is, normally your regular doctor will not endorse such a move under the guise that the don't use "proven methods." Even though the remedies offered patients have been discussed in the practice in general, I find that the doctors I know still will not endorse it. It's possible that there are other reasons than health that they are operating under for such statements as they've made.

This is altogether beside the point though. What I'm going to suggest to you is that you look into getting a whole house air filter for where you stay. I used to have problems with the air in my home and I know of many more who also have had such a problem. I discussed this with a colleague of mine and she pointed out the normalcy of this occurrence among the general population, that in most homes the air quality is so bad that symptoms such as what you've described will sometimes become accepted. I researched then what she told me as well as her suggestion to look at a particular kind of filter, which is the Polarized Media Filter. Through this and subsequent searches, I found a great deal of information that supported my colleague's explanation, and I felt it wise to try her solution. I was not disappointed with the following results, as I no longer had a problem with the air in my home.

Based on this I can readily suggest to you what I did and look into these filters. Bad air quality I've found can easily be linked to the type of symptoms you're describing, and I've seen it many times. The best place for price, or more information if you require it, is at www.airlifeone.com. Or you could try a general search about this online, both I'm sure would offer enlightenment on your situation. If you are looking to purchase a filter though, I would suggest going with the Electrobreeze brand, as it is cheaper but still as efficient as the other product (which I called the company to ask if there was a difference between the two as I knew I would be suggesting this to others I knew if this worked with myself). The company is quite easy to work with.

Well, I hope that this helps you out, and I hope that you and your girlfriend will be feeling better soon about this.
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It sounds like your allergist may have tested you for an allergy to wheat, but not for Celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten. I would double check with him/her and make sure they did the blood test to exclude Celiac disease. BTW, if they do check your blood for Celiac disease, please make sure that you continue to eat wheat, otherwise you could get a false negative result.


As far as the allergy shots... I can only tell you my story and what helped me. The allergy shots they gave me made me ill. I ended up using homeopathic remedies and actually cleared a couple of things I was allergic to ! (dead serious) Sublingual drops may also now be available in the U.S. and you may want to ask your physician about using those instead of the allergy shots... they are just as effective and safer too. LINK:


I would seriously consider seeing a medical practitioner that uses alternative medicine for some relief. I found in my experience that alternative medicine actually works. It is important to find out whether or not your symptoms are from allergies alone or another condition, including CFS. I would also make sure your physician did the bloodwork to rule out Celiac disease. One thing you can also do is to see if your pulse races after you eat a food that you suspect you may be allergic to... that is a sign of food allergies.

Magnesium and B12 are supplements that would probably help you. You may want to ask your physician about adding those to your diet.

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First off thanks for your response. Im taking another glance at my allergy skin test sheet that my allergist performed and its negative on all the foods (includes: Potato/white, corn, egg/whole, milk/whole, peanut, wheat, orange, and tomato) Is it possible there is something missing in the foods category that I may be alergic too?
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An Immunologist with a Ph.D I saw a couple of years ago told me that allergies can be disabling. However, with the muscle aches, I'm wondering if you have food allergies ?

Consider trying an elimination diet ---- eliminating dairy, sugar, wheat (gluten --- is in rye - almost ALL grains) & corn (including corn syrup --  which is in MANY products) for a little over 2 weeks. I did this elimination diet and felt so much better. And then I slowly started to eat these products again and found out that the muscle aches I had was because of gluten (wheat).

You don't have to do all four food products at once. Perhaps start with gluten and dairy for 2 weeks. But please.... if you take my advice, check all products for whey, wheat and visit Celiac websites to get a list of names of food products you want to avoid. If you ingest even the smallest amount of gluten, the diet will not work.

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Hey Scotty, I know it's been 10 years since your last post, but maybe you could share with us the end of your story? Did the allergy shots finally eliminate the fatigue? Are you still suffering? Anxious to hear you from you, as I've been suffering of the same symptoms for years and I'm considering doing the shots as well. Best regards, Mike

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