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Can sinuses hurt behind the eyes?

I have been having some pressure around the bridge of my nose and behind my eyes.  I have sinus problems but they seem to get worse as I get older (I'm 36). Anyway, I normally get my allergies in the spring and fall and is accompanied with sneezing, scratchy throat, runny nose, etc.  

But this time, I have pressure towards the bridge of my nose, around inner eye sockets next to the nose and behind my eyes.  I thought it might be my blood pressure but someone told me that probably isn't the case and it probably my sinuses.

Even thought I don't have a runny nose this time, I am sneezing occasionally but have pressure in the areas mentioned.  Can this be my sinues being inflared?  I am taking Nasonex but not everyday and was wondering if I should.

Any help you can provide would greatly be appreciated.

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I'd take the nasonex everyday as prescribed.  Having high blood pressure does not always have symptoms, that's why they call it "the silent killer". You can have it checked to be sure, but sounds like sinus problems. Also, try some warm compresses to your eyes and cheekbone area.
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If you're having problem with your air, I would prescribe getting a Polarized Media Filter, as if has helped me out quite a bit. I used to have problems with air quality, but I hadn't been able to link it to that problem until a colleague of mine talked to me about this common problem. After research and subsequent tries upon myself, I can readily suggest it to you as I no longer have this problem.

It's a simple filter which goes on your filter and is plugged in to any nearby outlet, and even though simple it is very efficient in how it works. I've been very pleased with it. The system is based upon a static attraction which works as a type of magnate for the particles in your air. And yes, I've found that most everyone has a very large problem with their indoor air, but like me, most people aren't able to link it to their air quality. I have and I hope that my experience can help you.

The best place for price on these that I've found is at www.airlifeone.com. I would further look for the Electrobreeze brand as it is cheaper than the other but works the same. And another good part about this business is that they are very cooperative with people who have questions. I've asked many myself, and they were very easy to talk to, which I wish more companies would work on.

Well, I hope that this helps you out.
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