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Is extreme itching of arms up half way of the neck ?
by Mar53, Sep 13, 2009 03:16PM
I started getting this horrible itching of my arms about a year and a half ago.  I have asked my regular doctor and my mental heath doctor if  The meds would do it and they said no.  They say maybe dry skin, detergents etc. and I said no.  It is just my arms usually starts in one and then both.  I literally go crazy for at least an hour. I take a benydryl as soon as I feel it start but at least an hour I'm in misery.   It can be anywhere any time, I have to leave it gets so bad so fast.  Never goes anywhere else on my body.  
   I have half of each kidney I was suppose to of had bad kidney infections when I was young.  My Mom says no and I don't remember having a problem but they are working like they are good.  I was told if I get an infection to get to the doctors right away and get meds.  
   I have Hypothyroid I take .088mg and it takes care of it.  I get it checked regularly.   I have for years suffered from acute depression.  I had a VNS Therapy  implant put in a year and a half ago .   It is helping my thoughts of suicide, finally.  I guess my brain is wire wrong and doesn't let the meds work right.  This implant is helping with that.  
  But I really can't stand this itching I have.  My Daughter has a Pituitary tumor, she has been doctoring it for years with blood test and Medicine.  
  I had a spell just before I wrote this today.  It comes on fast lasts for a hour or more,  I go crazy itching I feel like I could take my arms off I'd be better.  It is really debilitating.  Please help me or send me in the right direction please.
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Thank you for answering, but I don't get any rash with it.  Benadryl does help but not for at least an hour later, of torchure.
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Here's one possibility:  my father-in-law developed celiac disease (gluten intolerance) fairly late in life which caused extreme itching and rash on his forearms and lower legs.  Do you get a rash with the itching?  He did not have the usual intestinal symptoms of celiac disease.  You might ask your doctor about whether you could have this condition.  It's called dermititis herpetiformis.
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