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Candida of the throat, mouth stomac

Hello i ahve had candida for 5 years on the back of my tounge. when i first got it the thrush was as far as the scope could see.i suffered from weight loss, dizzyness, hairloss, had a swollen throat, inflamation all over my body, and much more.,. i was misdignosed for 2 months with depression and was treated with meds for this and also given meds to clam me down..
im really angry and since have reserched my condition.. i was on fluconazole off and on and my symptons have worsened again.. burning on the skin and itching..dizzyness itchy throat and much more..
i have beged to see a immune doctors for years finally i found a doctor to refer me..
i dont have hiv so the doctors dont know why im sick..im so angry as i find alot of the doctors dont listen even when they have seen the thrush..
they havent even swabed it to see why it wont go away..
cheers to anyone who can help..
i have done the yeast connection diet and used probiotics etc this hasnt changed the thrush i guess because it has over growen..but i do have proof its there. and its highy likely in my mind that it has traveled futher..than my throat..currently im on a waiting list for gasto test with camera...
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My mother who is a T-Cell lymphoma patient recently develope Candidiasis in the throat within these 3 week. She is in severe sore-throat pain. She has dificulty swallowing at the moment.

I need help & guildance on how to threat this. My brother in lawyer's cousin is a doctor, according to him, Candidiasis occurs usually in children, however if adult have it, usually its a gone case. I don't believe him.

Please help me !


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I had the stool test done about a month ago and just got my results back.  I'm thinking the lab was the rocky mountain lab that I sent it to.  To have all the blood draw and stool sample tested it was 251.00.
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179332 tn?1273247359
Only a stool sample with confirm the presence of Candida. Blood tests help but not as definitive!!
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Thanks Amendi for starting this thread.  Everyone's post has been enlightening.  I am glad to see someone is improving with regards to persistence.  I do not know if I suffer from Candida. However, I am happy that all my test has come back negative. These include STD tests, HEP panel tests, blood work, urine work, MRI and CAT scans, Thyroid testing.  However, my symptoms started after a wild vacation to the Dominican Republic.  I was perfectly healthy up until a week after my return Feb 19, 2007.   These are just a few symptoms I have been having since Feb07.

1. Tingling sensation throughout my body.
2. Weird sensation crawling in my head daily.
3. Starting to have dry mouth and tingling at the back of my throat.
4. Slight vision problems
5. Slight tingling in my penis and anus.
6. Belching and the sensation feeling of a large mucus ball at the base of my throat/esophagus.
7. Slight sinus problem.
8. Ear pain and popping.
9. Dermatologist stated I have steatocystoma multiplex from the lumps I have developed on both forearms.
10. elevated blood pressure at times 136/84

I do not know what to think anymore.  Every now and again, I have a good day.  I do know that the severity of my symptoms is based on what I eat and when I eat.  Any help or suggestions would be of most help.  One or two suggested sinus infection or Chlamydia. My GP thanks it is all anxiety.  
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I got the food grade HP from a health food store in our area and it seems to have worked along with Bee Pollen and Bee Propolis and Papaya enzymes chewable with my meals & I'm also taking a Sauna each night too before bed ( I'm not sure if it was all of them combined or just one of them but I'm just glad the tight throat and heartburn (reflux like) stressed out symptoms are gone - pretty happy to say the least - was getting kind of freaked out actually. With respect to the Food grade HP - be very careful of the info you read and dosages - I personally just used 3 drops in a glass of water and swished it around my mouth before swallowing. I recommend speaking to your Doctor and having him suggest or deny you based on your present condition or symptoms. I was freaked out so I just went for it.

I personally would try the Bee Pollen & Bee Propolis and Papaya enzymes chewables with meals and a good probiotic along with a Sauna each night from a non-alergenic far-infrared sauna if you have one ( some people are allergic to certain woods - ours are Hemlock and output 0 VOC's ( Volatile Offgassing Chemicals ) as per our 3rd party Testing done right here in Canada.

More questions on the saunas can be answered by checking us out at Facebook dot com and people searching jay simons

Hope this helps - because if you're feeling what I was feeling - it's not good at all

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What have you found out about the lemon juice?
Where do you get food grade HP?
Is it safe inside the mouth,throat?
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