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We had a water leak in our kitchen and it took out insurance campany 3 months to finally settle on replacing the floor.  We pulled the kitchen floor up and replaced the woood..... since then I've been very sick running a high fever for 12 days.  Emergency room said that Il a medical mystery!  Can the mold be causing this?
5 Responses
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How are you doing now? Do you still have the fever?

Have you consulted your doctor as yet? Are you on any medications currently?

Let us know if you have any doubts.

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what is the url of where you copied the info from Quest.  Thats where my labs are done and we have found black mold in the house, several places.  I am hoping to be tested today.
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How are you doing now?

Have you consulted your doctor as yet?

Let us know if you ave any doubts.

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I copied this from questdiagnostics.com.  I hope this helps.  You need to get medical advice beyond the ER.  Good luck.

Or it may have bacteria, molds, or viruses that have accumulated in heating and cooling ducts, carpet, ceiling tiles, or insulation that can cause fever, chills, muscle aches, cough, and other respiratory symptoms.

Symptoms of environmental illness are difficult to diagnose and may be mistaken for other medical problems. If you think exposure to toxins could be making you sick, it is important that you discuss your suspicions with a health professional.

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It looks more like an infective process because of the fever.

Have you got any other symptoms? Has a blood test been done? What do  the reports say? You would have to get tests done to rule out pneumonia, malaria and urinary tract infection.

Talk to your doctor about whether you need to take a course of antibiotics.

Till then chart your fever and you could try cold sponging and oral antipyretics.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

Hope this helps.

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