326352 tn?1310994295

Cat Allergies and Children

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help de-allergize a cat instead of getting rid of the cat?  Our 3 1/2 yr old will probably fall to pieces if we end up having to give the cat away because her sister is severely allergic to him.  To keep this in persective, I'm allergic to cats also, but manage mine fairly well and have grown out of mine, mostly.

There are some products for bathing and for spraying around the house.  Does anyone have any recommendations before I start shooting in the dark?
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The best possible option in case of obvious or known allergies is to avoid the substance causing the allergic reactions.

What symptoms does your daughter have? Since when is she having the allergic reactions?

Have you tried oral antihistamine or antiallergic medications?

Have they helped with her symptoms?

Let us know how she is doing and if you have any other doubts.

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326352 tn?1310994295
The daugher with the issues just turned 2, was diagnosed with asthma about 6-8 months ago (does breathing treatments regularly with Albuteral).  She was allergy tested yesterday and came up with a 4/5 allergy to cats.  She has moderate to severe eczema being treated with topical corticosteriods (Elidel, Elocon, something else) and has now been prescribed what is probably the REST of the list of cortocosteroids by the allergist.

We've tried Singular in the past, but it made her mean.  We're going to try that again once she gets off the prednisone and augmenten (unrelated recurrent ear infection).  She takes Atarax on a daily (3x) basis since the allergy worsened sometime around Christmas to help ease the itching.  We also do the standard list of approved soaps, detergents, etc since I also have same problems and have always used those things for myself.

Tony Kitty is 14 (so he probably won't be here too much longer), Cleo Kitty passed away before Christmas and she is still asked about by the 3 1/2 yr old.

Wanting to find a way to live with the cat and keep younger daughters allergies at bay.  I've heard of some things (to bathe the cat with) and spray around the house to neutralize.  Looking for someone who has actually used these products and if there are good ones and bad ones.

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Now that you have a source for the allergy, its best that you try and keep the child and cat separate. You can also take some advise from your doctor as to how you can best handle this situation.

All the best. Let us know if you may have any other questions.

Best regards.
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326352 tn?1310994295
Well, the advice was to get rid of the cat.  However, there are other children involved in this situation.  So we are asking if anyone has used any of the allergen neutralizers, tannic acid, special baths... that are available.  We're looking to find a good product that will help but not eliminate the situation within our household.

So, taking docs advice on getting rid of the cat is not going to happen.  Looking for other alternatives.  Got any?
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Well, as much as i am sorry to say this - but there are no other possible options, especially when we are talking about a small child.

All the best. Let us know if you may have any other questions.

Best regards.
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362249 tn?1441315018
i saw some stuff at the health food store that is supposed to help w/allergies to cats but i dont know if u can give it to a child or not.
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