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Class action lawsuit - victoria secret bras

I also would like information on this class action lawsuit. I am always itchy, I have contributed it dry skin.  I have also had sores that have left me with scars.  Never thought and my Dr. never mentioned it could be my bra.  I am faithful to my VS body by Victoria!
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I would also like information on where to join.  My 16 year old daughter has also fallen victim to these bras.  She bought the bras in December 2008 with Christmas money she received.  It was in January when she noticed the rash on her chest.  It is now April 15 and she still has this ugly, itchy, embarrassing rash on her chest and trunk of her body, front and back.  She has been to the dematologist once a week for the last 3 months.  No medicine in the world has helped this child.  Prom is just around the corner and she is just devestated that nothing has worked in clearing this up.  Please send me more information on this Lawsuit and where Victiria Secret stand today in owning up to this horrible incident that they have cause on these women.
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I had a rash develop under my left breast. I didn't think much of it until I saw the VS problem on the news.
My bra is a Bali, Style 3562 made in El Salvador & had been purchased from Kohl's many months ago. I didn't need to wear it until I decided to throw one of my old ones away.
It was brand new, still had the tags on it when I wore it for the 1st time about 3 weeks ago.

I don't think this is just a VS problem.
I took it off & am wearing one of my old ones & the rash has gone away.
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I have had a rash under my breast for over 3 months.  I went to the doctor and he thought it may be a heat rash, but in January, I don't think I would have a heat rash.  He said it could possibly be a yeast rash, which I have never heard of.  A prescription was given to me for a cream and I have been through 2 tubes of this cream and the rash remains.  It is like welts and very bumpy.  I changed my laundry detergent, fabric softner and soap thinking I had developed an allergy to these items, but still I have the rash.
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I too have had a rash since about a month after wearing the Victoria Secret Bio-fit bra.. my rash is around my nipples and under my arms.  the nipple rash is actually crusted and very irritating.  This is not only embarrassing, but I cant afford to get a really good new bra that often.. I feel like this was a waste of money and I'm concerned about how to get rid of the rash.  I've had it now for 3 months!
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865695 tn?1239298079
Hi My Name is Michelle Cain,
I also had the same problem of rash, dryness, itching from Victoria Secret bra. I would like information on the class act lawsuit.
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I've been having similar troubles (extreme itching, blister like sores, dry skin, etc.) and had seen my doctor regarding this.  He has had me using cortisone cream.  I've tried several other remedies as well.  I've even been sent articles regarding Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), as some of the symptoms are the same.  It's very scary to think you could have a fatal disease.  I work for a medical company, and recently asked one of my coworkers to scan my breasts for cancer, and I shared the article regarding IBC with her.  She asked a few questions, one of which was "Do you wear Victoria Secret Bras?"  When I told her yes, she said to stop wearing them because they use formaldehyde in them.  She told me that more than likely I do not have IBC, but rather a reaction to the bras.  I'll still check with my doctor to be sure.  

I was so stumped, a little relieved that I'm not dying, and very dissapointed that a company would sell such a product to unknowing and loyal customers.  I've been wearing Victoria Secret's Secret Embrace bras for years.  Now that I know this, I'm going to share the information with my doctor so that he can inform other patients who are experiencing the same problems.  I am changing bra companies effective immediately.  There's nothing more uncomfortable, and embarassing than having your breasts itch incessantly while you are at work or anywhere.  And to be scared for your life, it's just unthinkable.
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