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Codein and Antihistimines

Hi. I just had my wisdom teeth out today, and the doctor wants me to take 3 teaspoons of codein every four hourse. He never mentioned any problems with taking my other meds.

I got home and read the instructions. It said that there could be reactions with other meds that cause drousyness. I take two different antihistimines, one for ashma/allergies, and one for vertigo. I also take Zoloft. I haven't taken any of them since this morning, but I don't want to have to not take them for the next few days. My ashma and vertigo will be really bad if I don't take them. It is also never good to go off of an antidepressent, especially when you area already feeling pretty bad just from the pain.

The problem is, I tend to react strongly to meds. The codein already makes me really tired. More tired than I would have thought. I'm worried that taking the other meds with the codein. However, I can't not take the codein because I'm in a whole lot of pain. He had a hard time getting one of them out, and the area is pretty bruised. I'm still bleeding 24 hours later.

What should I do? Is it safe to take my meds? My ashma is already acting up, and I'd really like to be able to take an antihistimine. Also, how do I tell if I am having other side effects from codein.

It says that slowed or shallow breathing is a side effect. That has always been a phobia of mine, so I don't know how to tell if I'm actually having it or not, especially when my ashma is acting up.

I really need to know soon. Can anyone help?
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I think your doctor prescribe codeine for your tooth pain.

Maybe you can find some over the counter drugs to release your pain.

In my experience, the codeine don't react with antihistamine.
but I have no ideal about zoloft.

Call the doctor and ask him.

hope its helpful
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Thanks. Yes, the codein is for the pain. I have a very low pain tollerance, so anything less strong is out. My mom suggested that I take the zoloft but not the antihistimines.

I guess I'll call the doctor tomorrow.
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