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Constant Itching!

I have had bouts with itching, but lately has gotten really bad.  I have been reading comments from everyone and find it amazing the number of people with this problem.
I have tried everything, but today I am in hopes I received the answer.  

I went to see my DC who uses a Chinese medicine method and he said I have Solvent Toxicity.  He asked what type of moisturizer I used. I asked do you  mean on my face or my body.  I have been using Vaseline Intensive Care Body Lotion.  It has petroleum in it.  Guess what?  So does my moisturizer, lip balm-which I use constantly because my lips are always dry.  He said that when you have too much petroleum in  your body, it will make you itch.  The thing to do is get un-petroleum for the lips and body lotion with the least amount of ingredients at a Health Food Store with no petroleum in it also.  .  

He also suggested I take 2 tablet per day of Standard Process SP Green Food # 4650 to clean the liver.  There are 150 capsules in the bottle and it was $30.00.  He said to complete the bottle and follow the other advice above and call if I have any problems.  

How did I get too much petroleum in your body?  After I shave my legs I would put on the lotion-due to dry skin.  The pores are open and your body soaks the ingredients in.

Once in the body-it goes to the liver and the liver doesn't know how to process it.  So you start itching.  rocess it.  The liver doesn't know how and so you start itching!  
He said that the liver is trying to process the petroleum like it is Isopropyl Alcohol.

See this site:  

We are poisoning ourselves with the toxic ingredients in products we buy.  If you want to live a NON-ITCHY existence, buy products with least ingredients and NO Petroleum.

I will report back my progress!
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Well, The constant itching hasn't stopped yet.  But I read in Frist Magazine that it could be called by stopping my estrogen, which i had done a few weeks ago, so I am starting back on it!  Ugh!
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

I would suggest you obtain a referral to an allergist or an ENT who does allergy testing.  That is the only way to reliably know what is causing your allergic reaction.  Some allergies can be life-threatening as they can precipitate anaphylactic shock in which the swelling can be so severe that it impairs the ability to breathe.  Therefore, I would suggest you see someone as soon as possible.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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