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Cortisone side effects?

I wonder if you can help me? I had a cortisone shot in each heal to treat a foot disorder, plantar fasciaitus, which cleared overnight  Ten days later, I have broken out into the most awful red, angry, itchy rash. It is all over my arms, on my buttocks and down my legs, Sleeping is difficult. I want to scratch myself crazy, but it just gets even more angry. .It seems to be spreading over my body, but not yet on my trunk, thank goodness. My whole body feels overheated. The crazy thing is, my brother, who lives in the Mid East has the same only his whole body is covered.  He has had excema all of his life and was in a pretty poor shape with it,  He has never had it treated, as he has rarely if ever visited doctors. When he was forced to recently,  for another complaint, he was finally given cortisone shots for his excema. This was about three months ago. His excema disappeared overnight and he was overjoyed. Then ten days later, he came out in the most distressing rash all over his trunk which spread gradually over his whole body. He has been so severely depressed by this condition as well as suffering acute discomfort with the itching. He was put on an holistic, Ayedevic treatment, consisting of a total detox in terms of his diet by Indian practitioners there. Three months later, he is still suffering with little let up. In hindsight, it would be easy to say, I should have avoided cortisone injections, but, the connection simply did not register as we thought, in his case, it was a return of more aggressive excema after cortisone wore off.  I have a prosthetic heart valve, and am in atrial fibrillation, having had a history of mitral valve problems since very young. I was most careful to talk to my doctor administrating the cortisone about side effects. I was told it was minimal and then in terms of infection. I am convinced and so is my brother that our reactions (which incidentally appear to be identical from photographs we have sent to each other of our rashes) are side effects of cortisone.  My husband had been to the Mid East recently and when he saw my rash upon his return, was shocked and said,"that is exactly like your brothers!". Can you offer us any help or guidance, we are desperate and I absolutely dread that we are doomed to  suffer this most distressing condition forever. I had bronchitus two days after the rash broke out, which has increased my feeling of hopelessness ( am prone to chest infections due to the heart problems) I do my utmost to keep fit and before the cortisone injection I was in radiant good health and walk five miles a day despite my heart history. I also think it is vital that this sort of information about possible reaction to cortisone should be documented somewhere to prevent others suffering in this manner.  Thank you so much, and I apologise for lengthy message. Best wishes Geraldine
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I  had the same reaction.  Two times after Kenalog injections to shoulder and hip, I  developed a delayed allergic reaction.  It was starting about a week after injection with severe itching and rash spreading progressivly exactly as was described above. None of my doctors would accept an idea of allergic reaction to steroid.  I had to defense myself aggresivly.
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Is there a chance you are allergic to Prednasone?  I am and after my injection found out cortisone is prednisone!  I had a severe allergic reaction near anaphylaxis and extreme pain in the injection site
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i used Steroid cream and lotion and have been broken out like hives from my waist to my neck at one time, but it has gone away except a few scattered ones on my arms, but i still have a good many red splothches on my legs and inside my thighs, and my feet and ankles and legs swell real bad and the skin flakes off like a fish. i take 4 Omega 3 caps a day, and was wondering if they cause red swollen ankles and feet if you have Eczema you can be allergic to fish i read, so it seems that the fish oil would do the same.  i do not know what to do for the swelling, redness, flakiness and rash, as all lotions have done no good.

has anyone experienced this type of thing?
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