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Could an allergy be the cause?

Hi everybody, I hve just come back from the doctors for a completely different reason (i booked this appointment 2 weeks ago), Anyway i mentioned to her about my symptoms i have been experiencing the past 4 days (plus happened this time last year for a few months) but she brushed it off, and said it could be an allergy, to be honest i felt rushed out of her room as she was 40 minutes behind (Using the uk nhs can be a little frustrating.)

Anyway my symptoms have been for the past 4 days:
Creepy crawling feeling, in my throut, chest, upper back, buttocks and my vagina.. Like a tingling feeling, no pain, just so annoying! She said it could be an allergy and to try an over the counter allergy med, but what scares me is it could be something more? She was not interested in testing me for any difficincies (sp), Nor was she interested in giving me anotbiotics for boils. (just a referel to a dermotologist).. Anyway, i will try her advice about an allergy med, BUT i am sensitive to palpitations, and worried they may make them worse, can anyone recomend one? And do you think my symptoms could be due to an allergy?

Thanks for your time
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I agree about NHS...I mean why do doctors say could be this, could be that.

From your symptoms and if you get the palps (I get these badly) I would say that they are born from anxiety, honest, that is what I think that creeping feeling is.
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So sorry you're having troubles like that. It is beyond frustrating!  

I would say that it definitely could be allergies. taking over the counter medication for it without checking what it is - I have had that advice before, and it made me so upset. It felt like someone telling you to put a bandaid over a glass splinter rather than find out what's causing the pain and taking the splinter OUT.

I recently developed allergies that were numerous and difficult to diagnose, and here is what I was told to do to help them figure out what was bothering me, if it helps. It's free, and requires some work on your part, but no doctor, so that's helpful!

Cut down your foods to simple foods that you make yourself, and start a food log. You write down every ingredient of every food you eat, what time you eat it, and you start to record when your symptoms start and end, as well.

For myself, the food log didn't help until I cut out a lot of foods, because I was reacting so often I couldn't discover a pattern. But after? Suddenly, the reactions (tingling was one of them) were spaced out. I reacted 24 hours after certain foods, without fail. Or 5 minutes after other foods, without fail.  It took a few weeks to see a pattern, but it may work for you. If you make sure to not eat any one food every day, that will help make sure any reactions to foods would be spaced out, as well.

If that doesn't work, keeping track of what substances you use in the house may help. shampoos, cloths, air-fresheners. Anything you can touch or breath can set off an allergy.

Also, you may have to really check out the ingredients in your foods after you finish the food log, to try and see the pattern. For example, some people are allergic to a pesticide, so they seem react to lots of fruits and veggies, even though it's just the pesticide. Or they might react to corn, and corn starch is added to both salt and baking powder to keep it from clumping, often without being identified in the label. Hard to find that one.

In the end, this may not tell you what you are allergic to, if anything, or if you are simply sensitive or reacting.  But if you can discover that you stop tingling if you stay away from certain foods or substances, it would be worth it, I would think! :-)
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Hello there please do yourself a favor if you are suffering from allergies and read about this POTENT all natural antioxidant....you will see relief in a matter of a week's time from allergy symptoms. This supplement has saved thousands with allergies so read up and please feel free to forward any questions you may have! Also feel free to print info and take to your doctor to check it out!! Fell better soon!
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